Oedipus the King Test | Final Test - Medium

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Oedipus the King Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Creon say Oedipus can do, if he finds proof Creon's lying?
(a) banish Creon from the kingdom forever
(b) cut Creon's throat then and there
(c) kill Creon before his sister's eyes
(d) arrest Creon and sentence him to death

2. What does Creon deny that he has a desire to do?
(a) rule as king
(b) mar Teiresias's reputation
(c) gain wealth
(d) hurt his sister

3. What part of her and Laius' infant child does Jocasta say Laius bound?
(a) his ankles
(b) his wrists
(c) his knees
(d) his elbows

4. What is Oedipus' initial reaction when Creon asks to explain himself?
(a) Oedipus is eager to hear Creon's explanation.
(b) Oedipus refuses to listen to anything Creon has to say.
(c) Oedipus says he'll listen, but he's afraid of Creon's smooth tongue.
(d) Oedipus says that he'll listen, and he hopes he can trust Creon.

5. What does Oedipus ask, when Jocasta tells Oedipus the messenger's news?
(a) He asks a servant to bring Creon to him.
(b) He asks the messenger to tell him the news himself.
(c) He asks a servant to bring Teiresias to him.
(d) He asks Jocasta to leave him and go to the palace.

Short Answer Questions

1. Does Oedipus want to see the person the messenger says gave him the infant Oedipus?

2. Who accused Oedipus of not being his father's real son?

3. What does Jocasta advise Oedipus about his fears?

4. When Jocasta begs him to stop his investigation and runs off, how does Oedipus say he feels about potentially discovering something bad about his natural parents?

5. What was the messenger's profession when he found the infant Oedipus?

Short Essay Questions

1. What prophecy does Jocasta tell Oedipus about?

2. What is the chorus' foremost concern?

3. What is Jocasta's response, when Oedipus wants to find and question the shepherd that the messenger said gave him the infant Oedipus?

4. What does Jocasta's description of the place where Laius was killed mean to Oedipus?

5. What does Oedipus say, when he finally finds out the truth about his past and his present situation?

6. Why does Jocasta try to stop Oedipus from trying to find out the truth of his birth?

7. How does Jocasta react to the messenger's news?

8. What is the chorus' attitude toward Oedipus, in his conflict with Creon?

9. How does the chorus react to Creon's self defense?

10. What main news does the messenger from Corinth bring?

(see the answer keys)

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