Oedipus the King Test | Final Test - Medium

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Oedipus the King Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What children did Polybus have before Oedipus?
(a) a son who died
(b) none
(c) a daughter who died
(d) a son who was stolen away

2. Who asks the old shepherd whether he gave an infant baby to the messenger years ago?
(a) the messenger
(b) Oedipus
(c) Jocasta
(d) the chorus leader

3. Why does the messenger tell Oedipus he is not Polybus' son?
(a) The messenger wants to relieve Oedipus's fear.
(b) The messenger wants to prove prophecies are meaningless.
(c) The messenger wants to stop Oedipus from offending Apollo.
(d) The messenger wants to frighten Oedipus.

4. What city was the father who raised Oedipus from?
(a) Corinth
(b) Thebes
(c) Athens
(d) Sparta

5. What does Creon say his current position brings?
(a) royal benefits but no freedom
(b) fear and power but no freedom
(c) freedom from fear but no power
(d) power and benefits without fear

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Jocasta say told her about Laius' death?

2. What does Creon deny that he has a desire to do?

3. What does Creon say can validate a man who is true?

4. What does Creon do initially when he hears Oedipus charged him with causing Teiresias to lie?

5. What simile does Jocasta use to describe the people of Thebes?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the shepherd's reaction to being questioned about the infant he gave away and being told that Oedipus is that infant?

2. How does Jocasta react to the messenger's news?

3. What caused the scar on Oedipus' ankles?

4. How does Creon seem to react to Oedipus leveling charges against him?

5. What is Oedipus's attitude toward his wife?

6. What is the chorus' foremost concern?

7. How does the chorus react to Creon's self defense?

8. What favor did Jocasta do for the person who told her about Laius' death?

9. What does the old shepherd say was his motive in giving the infant to the messenger, when they were both shepherds together?

10. What did the oracle at Delphi tell Oedipus about his parentage?

(see the answer keys)

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