Oedipus the King Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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Oedipus the King Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Scene 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Does the chorus leader recognize the approaching shepherd?
(a) Not at first, but then the old man begins to look familiar.
(b) Yes, he identifies the old man of a servant of Laius.
(c) Yes, but he can't remember who the old man was.
(d) No, he has never seen the old man.

2. Where does the messenger want Oedipus to go?
(a) away from both Thebes and Corinth
(b) to his mother on the outskirts of Thebes
(c) into the mountains of Thebes
(d) back to Corinth

3. What does the chorus say about human prophets?
(a) It's impossible to tell if human prophets have real knowledge beyond the everyday.
(b) Human prophets are always wrong.
(c) Human prophets are the same as the gods and priests.
(d) Human prophets have human motivations.

4. Who does the priest suggest Oedipus listen to, in order to solve the town's problems?
(a) the blind prophet
(b) the gods or wise men
(c) the town elders
(d) Zeus's oracle

5. What does Oedipus tell Jocasta, when she begs him to tell her what's troubling him?
(a) He agrees to tell her his worries.
(b) He tells her that there is nothing troubling her.
(c) He yells at her and sends her into the palace.
(d) He refuses to tell her, since what he suspects is so bad.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Oedipus say his sorrow is greater than the townspeople?

2. What does Jocasta chide Oedipus and Creon for?

3. How does the messenger say Jocasta will feel about his news?

4. What does the second messenger and the chorus' attitude toward Oedipus seem to be?

5. When Jocasta begs him to stop his investigation and runs off, how does Oedipus say he feels about potentially discovering something bad about his natural parents?

(see the answer key)

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