Oedipus the King Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

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Oedipus the King Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Scene 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Creon wearing on his head as he approaches the town?
(a) a chain of daisies
(b) a crown
(c) a laurel wreath
(d) a hood

2. What does Oedipus say about the fact that Laius' death wasn't looked into before?
(a) Oedipus says the town should have looked into the murder.
(b) Oedipus says he understands that the town had other problems.
(c) Oedipus says that the town is actively covering up the murder.
(d) Oedipus says that the town knew it was bringing tragedy upon itself.

3. Who speaks for the people of Thebes as their leader?
(a) the parliamentary leader
(b) the oracle
(c) the priest of Zeus
(d) the prophet of Hera

4. Why does Oedipus ask Creon to speak in front of the townspeople?
(a) Oedipus wants to show the townspeople he's not afraid.
(b) Oedipus wants the townspeople to become used to Creon's voice.
(c) Oedipus feels more for the townspeople than for his own life.
(d) Oedipus wants to show Creon that he's not afraid.

5. Where has Oedipus sent Creon?
(a) to Zeus's oracle
(b) to Apollo's shrine
(c) to wander the wilderness
(d) to the kingdom of Corinth

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Teiresias say about the murderer's eyesight?

2. What deal does Oedipus offer the murderer if he gives himself in?

3. What does Oedipus say he's been doing in his sorrow?

4. What does Oedipus first say to Creon as he approaches?

5. What does Creon say of the news he brings?

(see the answer key)

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