Oedipus the King Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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Oedipus the King Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Scene 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the messenger tell Oedipus he is not Polybus' son?
(a) The messenger wants to relieve Oedipus's fear.
(b) The messenger wants to frighten Oedipus.
(c) The messenger wants to prove prophecies are meaningless.
(d) The messenger wants to stop Oedipus from offending Apollo.

2. What simile does Jocasta use to describe the people of Thebes?
(a) like people on a ship who see the helmsman is afraid
(b) like people in a carriage who see the driver terrified
(c) like soldiers who see their commander slain
(d) like children who see their father's fear

3. What does Jocasta say before she leaves?
(a) that she'll never see Thebes again
(b) that she'll run away from Oedipus
(c) that she'll never speak again
(d) that she'll join Laius

4. What does Jocasta chide Oedipus and Creon for?
(a) making the gods upset
(b) fighting when the town's in trouble
(c) not listening to each other
(d) not listening to the oracle

5. Where did the old shepherd grow up?
(a) in a distant village
(b) in Laius' house
(c) in a poor house in Thebes
(d) in Corinth

Short Answer Questions

1. When Creon turns the tables and begins questioning Oedipus, what is the first question he asks?

2. What does Oedipus decree that no citizen of Thebes shall do?

3. What deal does Oedipus offer the murderer if he gives himself in?

4. Who does the messenger say gave him the infant Oedipus?

5. Who does Teiresias say he was "wise enough" to?

(see the answer key)

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