Oedipus the King Multiple Choice Test Questions

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Oedipus the King Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Scene 1

1. At the beginning of the play, where have the townspeople gathered?
(a) in front of the palace
(b) at the oracle
(c) in the forest
(d) in a shrine

2. What does Oedipus call the people of Thebes?
(a) the gods' children
(b) the gods' creations
(c) his creations
(d) his children

3. What is Oedipus' initial attitude toward the crowd that has gathered?
(a) angry and annoyed
(b) critical and derisive
(c) overjoyed and cheerful
(d) caring and helpful

4. Who speaks for the people of Thebes as their leader?
(a) the priest of Zeus
(b) the prophet of Hera
(c) the parliamentary leader
(d) the oracle

5. Who does the priest say has gathered?
(a) townspeople from the very young to the very old
(b) everyone but those ill from disease
(c) all the sick and elderly townspeople
(d) all the young and hearty townspeople

6. Where are the townspeople who are not gathered to speak with Oedipus?
(a) in their graves
(b) at the gods' shrines asking for help
(c) in the fields, trying to cure the diseases
(d) at home, caring for the sick

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