The Odyssey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Odyssey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Odysseus and Ajax fight?
(a) It was for the gods' amusement.
(b) It was a sporting contest.
(c) It was contest to win Achilles' armor.
(d) It was for honor after they insulted each other.

2. Calypso gives Odysseus many things to help him on his way including supplies for making his ship, provisions for his journey, and a(n) _____________.
(a) Enchanted sail.
(b) Gentle breeze.
(c) Oarsmen.
(d) Rudder.

3. During this assembly, who does Antinous blame for Telemachus' problem?
(a) Telemachus.
(b) Penelope.
(c) The gods.
(d) Odysseus.

4. With which hero did Odysseus first speak in Hades?
(a) Hercules.
(b) Ajax.
(c) Agamemnon.
(d) Achilles.

5. In Book 7, why does Athena cloak Odysseus in clouds on his walk to the palace?
(a) Phaecians are so friendly that he might be offered hospitality before he reaches Alcinous' palace.
(b) She doesn't want her uncle, Poseidon, to see that Odysseus has landed safely.
(c) She doesn't want Odysseus to get distracted.
(d) Phaecians don't like strangers.

6. After his battle with Poseidon in Book 5, where does Odysseus find shelter in the land on which he has just arrived?
(a) He creates a makeshift shelter with nearby debris.
(b) He goes into the woods and finds a couple of shrubs to provide shelter and comfort.
(c) He decides to go into the hills to find a cave.
(d) A man approaches and shows him a place used by hunters.

7. How does Eurylochus react when Odysseus tells his crew to follow him to Circe's house?
(a) He tells the others it's a trap.
(b) He tells the others that Circe will be kind if Odysseus is there.
(c) He tells the others it was Odysseus' fault that the others have perished, and that Odysseus is reckless.
(d) He tells the others to trust Odysseus.

8. According to Circe, how should Odysseus get past the Sirens while listening to their song?
(a) He should be fine without any precautions.
(b) He just shouldn't listen to their song.
(c) He should be bound to the mast.
(d) He should be taken below deck.

9. Athene instructs Nestor to help Telemachus on the next leg of his journey. What does he supply?
(a) Nestor gives Telemachus treasure, a map and one of his sons.
(b) Nestor gives Telemachus supplies and a guide.
(c) Nestor gives Telemachus horses and one of his sons.
(d) Nestor gives Telemachus another ship and one of his sons.

10. Where is Odysseus at the beginning of the poem?
(a) Ithaca.
(b) Ogygia.
(c) Taphos.
(d) Pylos.

11. As a result of the meeting of the assembly in Book 2, what do the suitors decide to do?
(a) To court other women, too.
(b) It's time to give something back to Telemachus and his estate.
(c) Continue behaving as they have been.
(d) It's time to go home.

12. Having left Ogygia and survived Poseidon's attack, what is Odysseus' new problem, now that he spots land?
(a) There is no safe harbor.
(b) The coast is a bluff and jagged reefs.
(c) All answers are correct.
(d) The sea is deep as it ends abruptly on the steep bluff.

13. How does Penelope keep from marrying one of the suitors?
(a) She uses sickness and excuses.
(b) She employs piety and sacrifice.
(c) She practices prophecy and witchcraft.
(d) She uses cunning and craft.

14. How many men does Odysseus lose to the Cyclops?
(a) 6.
(b) 2.
(c) 4.
(d) 8.

15. What color yarn does Nausicaa's mother spin?
(a) Sun-drenched gold.
(b) Meadow green.
(c) Sky blue.
(d) Sea purple.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book 6, what instructions does Nausicaa give her maids regarding Odysseus?

2. In Chapter 12, with his ship destroyed, Odysseus drifts until he reaches _____________.

3. Where is Telemachus going during this journey?

4. What advice does Circe give Odysseus regarding Scylla and Charybdis?

5. While making announcements after Mentes' visit in Book 1, what else does Telemachus tell the suitors of his hall?

(see the answer keys)

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