The Odyssey Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Odyssey Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 11.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When sadness grips the feasting in her hall, causing Menelaus and his visitors to cry in remembrance of friends lost in Troy, what does Helen do to the wine?
(a) She pours it for the men.
(b) She warms it.
(c) She adds a drug.
(d) She adds herbs to sweeten it.

2. Floating with the aid of Ino and safe from Poseidon in Book 5, how does Odysseus make it to dry land when he first sees it?
(a) He swims until he finds a beach.
(b) He swims until he finds a river.
(c) He swims until he finds a boat.
(d) He swims until he finds a harbor.

3. While Telemachus is in Lycaedaemon, what plan do the suitors devise to punish Telemachus for leaving?
(a) To take Penelope away.
(b) To kill him on the open sea.
(c) To steal all his goods.
(d) To discredit him in Ithaca.

4. When captured by Menelaus, who had been stuck for 20 days, what did this being reveal to him to get his freedom?
(a) Menelaus is told how to get home and acquire more treasure.
(b) Menelaus is told how to get home, as well as the fate of three of his friends.
(c) Menelaus is told how to get vengeance for his brother.
(d) Menelaus is told how to get Helen back.

5. Which of his six remaining sons does Nestor send with Telemachus in Book 3?
(a) Perseus.
(b) Thrasymedes.
(c) Arteus.
(d) Peisistratus.

Short Answer Questions

1. Having left Ogygia and survived Poseidon's attack, what is Odysseus' new problem, now that he spots land?

2. How does the Cyclops in Book 9 show hospitality?

3. What is the purpose of Telemachus' quest?

4. According to Book 4, who did Menelaus capture?

5. According to Nestor, who wanted the Achaeans to suffer on the way home from Troy?

(see the answer key)

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