The Odyssey Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Odyssey Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While Telemachus is in Lycaedaemon, what plan do the suitors devise to punish Telemachus for leaving?
(a) To kill him on the open sea.
(b) To take Penelope away.
(c) To discredit him in Ithaca.
(d) To steal all his goods.

2. In Book 6, what instructions does Nausicaa give her maids regarding Odysseus?
(a) They are to run to get the men for protection.
(b) They are to wash his clothes too.
(c) They are to keep away from this stranger.
(d) They are to give him food and drink and bathe him.

3. What does Ino give Odysseus to save his life when he loses his raft to Poseidon?
(a) A ride on dolphins.
(b) A raft.
(c) A magic sail.
(d) A veil.

4. What is Nausicaa's greatest concern for the trip back to her father's house from the river?
(a) She's worried that Odysseus will act immodestly, causing her shame.
(b) She's worried that Odysseus will get lost.
(c) She's worried about her reputation.
(d) She's worried that Odysseus isn't strong enough to make it.

5. What is happening in Lacedaemon when Telemachus arrives?
(a) Menelaus is celebrating the marriage of his daughter.
(b) Menelaus is holding a funeral rite for his brother.
(c) Menelaus and his household are holding a feast in honor of the gods.
(d) Menelaus is celebrating a double marriage.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Odysseus anger the god(dess) who seeks to punish him in Book 1?

2. Who helps Telemachus procure a ship and crew to begin his quest?

3. What sign is witnessed by the entire assembly when Telemachus calls upon Zeus for justice in Book 2?

4. How many times has the meeting of the assembly occurred since Odysseus left?

5. In addition to offering advice, what else does Mentes from Taphos give to Telemachus?

(see the answer key)

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