The Odyssey Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Odyssey Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Book 4, who did Menelaus capture?
(a) Proteus.
(b) Poseidon.
(c) Eidothea.
(d) Athena.

2. Penelope learns about the suitors' plan for Telemachus from a page, but what does she learn from her sister's phantom?
(a) Telemachus is guided by Athene.
(b) Telemachus is bringing an army.
(c) Telemachus isn't coming back.
(d) Telemachus is wise beyond his years.

3. What does Menelaus first reveal regarding Odysseus when Telemachus tells Menelaus who he is and the purpose of his visit?
(a) He would have given Odysseus a city upon his return from Troy.
(b) Odysseus' problems are his own.
(c) Odysseus is not worth anyone's tears.
(d) Telemachus looks nothing like his father.

4. Athene instructs Nestor to help Telemachus on the next leg of his journey. What does he supply?
(a) Nestor gives Telemachus horses and one of his sons.
(b) Nestor gives Telemachus supplies and a guide.
(c) Nestor gives Telemachus another ship and one of his sons.
(d) Nestor gives Telemachus treasure, a map and one of his sons.

5. How did Odysseus anger the god(dess) who seeks to punish him in Book 1?
(a) He failed to make a proper sacrifice.
(b) He slaughtered some horses.
(c) He killed his own crew.
(d) He poked a cyclops' eye out.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Nestor, who wanted the Achaeans to suffer on the way home from Troy?

2. What is Nausicaa's greatest concern for the trip back to her father's house from the river?

3. Where does Calypso find Odysseus to tell him the news of his ordered release in Book 5?

4. In Book 5, who orders Odysseus' release from Calypso?

5. Once Ino gives Odysseus help to survive Poseidon assault on the open sea, how many more days does Odysseus drift until he sees land?

(see the answer key)

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