The Odyssey Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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The Odyssey Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 14.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nestor tell Telemachus about his relationship with Odysseus?
(a) They never agreed at council during the war.
(b) They never fought side by side during the war.
(c) They never spoke those nine years at war.
(d) They never differed at council during the war.

2. In Book 11, who is first to visit Odysseus from the dead?
(a) Teiresias.
(b) Elpenor.
(c) Persephone.
(d) Anticleia.

3. In Book 6, what instructions does Nausicaa give her maids regarding Odysseus?
(a) They are to wash his clothes too.
(b) They are to give him food and drink and bathe him.
(c) They are to run to get the men for protection.
(d) They are to keep away from this stranger.

4. According to Nestor, who wanted the Achaeans to suffer on the way home from Troy?
(a) Kronos.
(b) Athene.
(c) Zeus.
(d) Poseidon.

5. In what state do the Nausicaa's women, who are playing a game while waiting for the clothes to dry, find the sheltering Odysseus?
(a) He is covered in the sail from his raft.
(b) He is wearing the clothes that Calypso gave him, but they're a little ragged.
(c) He is wearing Ino's veil.
(d) He is completely naked.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Odysseus, the old stranger, received by the swineherd in Book 14?

2. Why was Menelaus late returning from Troy?

3. Athene instructs Nestor to help Telemachus on the next leg of his journey. What does he supply?

4. What is Nausicaa's greatest concern for the trip back to her father's house from the river?

5. What is unique about Demodocus the bard?

(see the answer key)

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