The Odyssey Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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The Odyssey Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 18.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Nausicaa, to whom should Odysseus first appeal when he gets to the court in Book 6?
(a) Nausicaa's father.
(b) Nausicaa's mother.
(c) Nausicaa's oldest brother.
(d) One of the servants.

2. What makes Irus nervous about his fight with Odysseus the beggar?
(a) The suitors have threatened to drag him out by his feet if he loses.
(b) The old man has muscular thighs.
(c) Athene sends a cold wind to give him a chill.
(d) Irus sees his muscular chest.

3. Why does Athena speak to Nausicaa in her dreams?
(a) She wants to tell Nausicaa that she hasn't been a good daughter or sister since she hasn't washed the clothes.
(b) She wants others to know that Nausicaa has a connection with the immortals.
(c) She wants Nausicaa to prepare for her upcoming marriage.
(d) She wants Nausicaa to discover Odysseus.

4. Why does Nausicaa go to the river in Book 6?
(a) She wants to enjoy the day with her maids, playing ball.
(b) She wants to find a husband.
(c) She needs to bathe.
(d) She needs to do the wash for her family.

5. How do the suitors view the fight between the two beggars in Book 18?
(a) They think the beggars show their worth behaving in such a manner.
(b) They don't really care about the fight.
(c) They think the beggars are disgusting, but they can't stop watching it.
(d) They think it is the best entertainment that they've had.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which suitor has a "bad feeling" after Odysseus the beggar tries to warn him of impending danger in Book 18?

2. To which goddess does Odysseus compare Nausicaa in Book 6?

3. According to Penelope, when did Odysseus say it was acceptable for her to remarry?

4. In what state do the Nausicaa's women, who are playing a game while waiting for the clothes to dry, find the sheltering Odysseus?

5. To whom does Odysseus pray while in the meadow awaiting the appropriate time to arrive at the palace in Book 6?

(see the answer key)

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