The Odd Couple Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Odd Couple Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Oscar primarily upset with Felix soon after Felix moves in?
(a) Oscar cannot focus on his work.
(b) Felix throws out his favorite shirt.
(c) Oscar's life changes too much.
(d) Felix rearranges his furniture.

2. Why is Oscar annoyed with Felix during the second poker game?
(a) He bluffs on every hand.
(b) He is winning too much money.
(c) He keeps running to the kitchen.
(d) He is trying to clean the poker table.

3. What is Vinnie's wife's name?
(a) Bebe.
(b) Yvonne.
(c) Betty.
(d) Frieda.

4. What does Felix talk to the Pigeon sisters about at first?
(a) The news.
(b) Cleaning.
(c) The weather.
(d) The paint in the apartment.

5. Around how much does Oscar lose in the second poker game?
(a) Nothing, he wins.
(b) Ninety dollars.
(c) Twenty dollars.
(d) Two hundred dollars.

6. Why does Felix refuse to go to the Pigeon sisters' apartment?
(a) He does not like his date.
(b) It is dirty there.
(c) It is too far.
(d) Because he is betraying his wife.

7. What are the Pigeon sisters' names?
(a) Gwendolyn & Cecily.
(b) Georgia & Cassandra.
(c) Gwendolyn & Cassandra.
(d) Cecily & Georgia.

8. Why does Felix agree to go on date?
(a) He is lonely.
(b) To appease Oscar.
(c) He is attracted to one of the Pigeon sisters.
(d) Another friend sets him up on a date.

9. Why does Felix rush into the kitchen during his date?
(a) The fire alarm goes off.
(b) He forgets to baste the roast.
(c) He smells something burning.
(d) To get away from the sisters.

10. On the day of his date, what does Felix spend his day doing?
(a) Organizing Felix's records.
(b) Alphabetizing the books on the bookshelf.
(c) Choosing an outfit.
(d) Cleaning & cooking.

11. Why does Felix call his wife after he agrees to go on the date?
(a) To make sure it is all right with her if he goes out.
(b) To get a recipe.
(c) To talk to his children.
(d) To brag about his date.

12. Where are the Pigeon sisters from?
(a) Australia.
(b) Britain.
(c) Kansas.
(d) Ireland.

13. How does Felix feel the day of his date?
(a) Angry.
(b) Anxious.
(c) Insecure.
(d) Friendly.

14. What do the Pigeon sisters look like?
(a) Average looking.
(b) Young and attractive.
(c) Old and wrinkly.
(d) Tall and gangly.

15. Felix shows a picture of two children to Cecily and Gwendolyn. How old are they?
(a) Three and eight.
(b) Six and two.
(c) Seven and fourteen.
(d) Five and seven.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Murray leaves the second poker game, he comments that:

2. How does Murray feel about the atmosphere of Oscar's apartment after Felix moves in?

3. How does Oscar's apartment look about two weeks after Felix moves in?

4. What is the occupation of both of the Pigeon sisters?

5. How long is it until Oscar & Felix's date with the Pigeon sisters when Act 2, Scene 2 opens?

(see the answer keys)

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