Odd Thomas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Odd Thomas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What fictional character does Odd NOT have a picture of because he feels he identifies with them?
(a) Mickey Mouse.
(b) Hamlet.
(c) ET.
(d) Quasimodo.

2. What does Odd see when he leaves Stormy's apartment in Chapter 29?
(a) A bunch of kids skateboarding.
(b) An unmarked police car.
(c) Robertson.
(d) Elvis.

3. What does Officer Varner say that the tattoo, POD, on his arm stands for?
(a) A gang he had been involved with when he was younger.
(b) His college.
(c) His mother's initials.
(d) Pay On Delivery.

4. What does Odd's father ask him?
(a) If he is sure Stormy isn't a lesbian.
(b) If there might be another girl that Odd could be interested in.
(c) If Stormy is pregnant.
(d) Why Odd wants to ruin his life.

5. What does Stormy say that the gypsy inside the machine did after giving Stormy and Odd their card stating they were destined to be together forever?
(a) Quit working.
(b) Smiled.
(c) Winked.
(d) Laughed.

6. What does Odd find in the church?
(a) A dead dog.
(b) A homeless man.
(c) A nest of rabbits.
(d) Two coyotes.

7. What does the nurse say about the card?
(a) It makes her feel unsafe.
(b) It has bad energy.
(c) It has goo on the edge.
(d) It is warm.

8. What does Viola say she did see in her dream in Chapter 24?
(a) Another dead body.
(b) A glass floor.
(c) A sign.
(d) Angels.

9. Who does Rosalia tell Odd that he reminds her of?
(a) Her nephew Marco.
(b) Her sister's brother.
(c) Her brother.
(d) Her sister.

10. Where was the chief shot?
(a) Two in the abdomen and three in the chest.
(b) Two to the backs.
(c) Three in the chest and once in the head.
(d) One in the chest and one in the butt.

11. What does Odd say that he and his mother were free to discuss?
(a) Things of her choosing.
(b) The dead.
(c) Whatever made life freer.
(d) Things that didn't disturb her.

12. What were the clergy of the Church of the Whispering Comet convicted of?
(a) Child pornography.
(b) Stealing from charitable organiztions.
(c) Production and distribution of ecstasy.
(d) Smuggling illegal aliens.

13. Where does Odd say that Stormy has gotten most of the objects used to furnish her apartment?
(a) Wal-Mart.
(b) Thrift stores.
(c) She made them.
(d) Her mother.

14. What does Odd find when he goes to the chief's house in Chapter 39?
(a) The chief has had a heart attack.
(b) Elvis is there on the roof.
(c) Bodachs cover the house.
(d) The chief has been shot.

15. What did Shamus' mother want him to be?
(a) A lawyer.
(b) A cop.
(c) A doctor.
(d) A conductor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Odd find in the container in Robertson's freezer with the name Heather Johnson on it?

2. What does Odd do with the moist towelettes?

3. What does Odd say his mother qualifies as in his dictionary?

4. Where does Odd go in the beginning of Chapter 48?

5. What does Odd see in the room when he goes to check on Viola's daughters?

(see the answer keys)

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