Odd Thomas Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Odd Thomas Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 48-52.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Odd find in the church?
(a) A homeless man.
(b) A dead dog.
(c) A nest of rabbits.
(d) Two coyotes.

2. Why does Odd explain that Robertson's ghost isn't at Odd's apartment?
(a) Robertson cannot accept the truth of his death.
(b) Robertson is being controlled.
(c) Robertson's favorite show is starting on television.
(d) Odd has talisman's up.

3. What does Odd say he would do for Stormy if she asked, provided she had a good reason?
(a) Walk the plank.
(b) Starve himself to death.
(c) Jump off a cliff.
(d) Eat poison.

4. What does Ozzie advise Odd to get after hearing about Robertson's house and the black room?
(a) Hold a seance.
(b) Get a gun.
(c) Leave this one alone.
(d) Get out of town.

5. What does Odd say he and Stormy have?
(a) The same dreams.
(b) The same birthday.
(c) The same destiny.
(d) Matching birthmarks.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Odd say that Horton Barks had had dinner with twenty years earlier?

2. What does Odd hear when he puts the shell to his ear that Penny Kallisto gives him?

3. In Chapter 5 what does Odd compare being a short order cook to?

4. What does Odd use as a weapon when confronted by the coyotes in Chapter 37?

5. What does Odd find in Fungus Man's house in the end of Chapter 9?

(see the answer key)

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