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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Solange is known to do what after making love with Bond?
(a) Take a shower immediately.
(b) Cuddling too much.
(c) Take a long time freshening up.
(d) Put on some jazz music and dance.
2. According to Bond, what is wrong with "expense-account aristocracy"?
(a) They have money, but are too cheap to spend it.
(b) Their lack of taste deflated the food at the "21".
(c) They are phony first-class citizens.
(d) They are picky with their orders and take the servers time away from him.
3. Who is Bond supposed to meet for the mission?
(a) A Russian man.
(b) An American woman.
(c) David Barlow.
(d) An English woman.
4. How does Sender handle Bond's work?
(a) Understanding of Bond's decision.
(b) Chooses not to write the truth in his report to protect Bond.
(c) Disappointed in Bond.
(d) Angry that Bond fails his mission on purpose.
5. How does Bond feel about New York by the end of his visit?
(a) Disappointed in its changes.
(b) Happy he has time to spend there.
(c) Angry at it.
(d) That it is a sudden, but good visit.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where is Bond at the beginning of "007 in New York"?
2. Why must Bond not reveal his true name in New York?
3. Where is Bond supposed to meet his intended assignment?
4. Up to what point does Bond's day actually go as planned?
5. What does Bond look forward to before his flight?
Short Essay Questions
1. Based on Bond's daydreaming plans, use three adjectives to describe his character and why these words describe him.
2. How are the Americans involved in Bond's mission? What is their reaction and concern?
3. What kind of persona does Bond display? Use the Chief Range Officer's impression as an example.
4. Describe the crossing point for Number 272. How is the area good or bad for 272, Trigger and Bond?
5. Bond is first suspicious of a man at the airport. What thrilling story does he propose for the nondescript man?
6. Describe M as he gives an assignment that involves murder. How does this show his feelings in regards to his men?
7. How does Bond spend his first free afternoon? How does virtue triumph in this situation?
8. Bond mentions that it would not be a bad thing if he is let go as a Double O agent. How much truth is in this statement and why does Bond say this?
9. Why does Fleming have two people involved in Bond's mission? What is Captain Sender's role?
10. How is the plot of "007 in New York" different from the other plots in the book?
This section contains 1,444 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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