Octopussy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Octopussy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Smythe expect to get from the contents of the ammunition box?
(a) 50,000 British pounds.
(b) 100,000 Jamaican dollars.
(c) 50,000 German marks.
(d) 100,000 British pounds.

2. What is Bond fearful of when he notices Smythe's reaction to his visit?
(a) That Smythe knows his own villa better than Bond does.
(b) That Smythe has nothing to lose.
(c) That Smythe takes a suicide pill.
(d) That Smythe dies of a heart attack before Bond gets him to London.

3. What is Smythe in search of for Professor Bengry?
(a) A rare coral.
(b) An octopus.
(c) A scorpion fish.
(d) A butterfly fish.

4. What is Smythe's initial reaction when he realizes Bond's purpose of visit?
(a) Instinctively looks for ways to escape.
(b) Gets chest pains and takes a pill.
(c) Gets overly excited and takes a large gulp of Brandy.
(d) Looks Bond in the eye to see how far he goes.

5. What does M say to offend Dr. Fanshawe?
(a) He says the jewelers' world is too materialistic.
(b) He says art is for those that don't understand logic.
(c) He calls the art abstract foolery.
(d) He refers to the art piece as a hunk of jewelry.

Short Answer Questions

1. About how much is the expected art piece worth?

2. What causes Bond to reach for a gun while he sits in his office?

3. Why does Smythe arrest Oberhauser?

4. Who must Bond meet with whenever the red telephone rings?

5. What business does Bond have with Smythe?

Short Essay Questions

1. Bond constantly meets new characters for his job and must make judgments about them. What signs show Bond is good at reading people?

2. Smythe likes to swim and feed the fishes and octopus around his villa. Describe his relationship with the sea animals by his beach.

3. Freudenstein works in London with the Purple Cipher. Describe Freudenstein's role in the espionage world.

4. Why does the KGB go through troubles of sending an expensive jewelry piece with a fake provenance, rather than pay a large sum to their double agent?

5. Smythe ruffles through papers when one catches his eye. Describe Smythe's actions when he sees the envelope and how his actions illustrate his character.

6. Describe Freudenstein in Bond's view. Why is he biased?

7. Why does Bond visit Kenneth Snowman and is his visit successful?

8. When Smythe realizes he is pricked by the scorpion fish, what is his reaction and what does this say about his ability to feel?

9. What kind of relationship must Bond always have when he meets new people? Why?

10. Bond attempts to identify the Russian spy, even before Lot 42 is exhibited. What does he do to prepare himself and what works against him?

(see the answer keys)

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