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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Since Negroes have been in this country, Baldwin writes that their one devastating gain was:
2. According to Baldwin, what characteristic does Dorothy Dandridge have that Pearl Bailey lacks?
3. What Hollywood studio produced the film Carmen Jones?
4. How is the story of the Negro described in the chapter entitled Many Thousands Gone?
5. What two big name magazines, popular in the African American community in the 1940s, are mentioned in the chapter entitled The Harlem Ghetto?
Short Essay Questions
1. What allows those former soldiers studying in Paris to remain abroad?
2. Why does Baldwin address the phenomenon of Americans choosing to remain in Paris after World War II?
3. Why do you think Baldwin experiences a sense of melancholy after his father's death?
4. Describe Baldwin's relationship with his father.
5. Describe the Swiss village that Baldwin visits in the essay Stranger in the Village.
6. Why were the Melodeers performing in the south?
7. According to Baldwin, why are the mannerisms of the character Carmen Jones based on rampant sexuality?
8. Why do you think Baldwin decided to reveal his own personal reflections in the chapter entitled Notes of a Native Son?
9. Describe how Baldwin's Harlem compares to his parent's Harlem.
10. Why did ex-GIs question their identity while studying in Paris?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Notes of a Native Son is a collection of essays written by James Baldwin to illuminate the life conditions of the Negro people during the 1940s and 1950s pre-civil rights era.
In your opinion, what audience did Baldwin want to read this book? Who was his target audience? Did he write his book for African Americans, Whites, Non-Americans, etc? Why do you think he wrote the book for the audience you have identified as his target audience? Please use examples from the book to support your answer.
Essay Topic 2
In Notes of a Native Son, Baldwin makes reference to stereotypical and unrealistic black characters such as Aunt Jemima, Uncle Tom, and Carmen Jones. In your opinion, do these stereotypical figures represent the story of America? If so, how do these images represent the story of America? How do these images represent the lives of African Americans? Please use examples from the book to support your answer.
Essay Topic 3
In the essay Notes of a Native Son, Baldwin uses his personal experience to describe his life as a native son. How does Baldwin's personal account as a Native Son compare to his summary and criticism of the book Native Son in the essay Many Thousands Gone? Does his account address the issues he had with the original story? Please use examples from the book to support your answer.
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