Notes of a Native Son Test | Final Test - Medium

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Notes of a Native Son Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Baldwin, what does the black man in American struggle to find?
(a) His childhood memories.
(b) His former slave master.
(c) His real family.
(d) His own identity.

2. Who visits Baldwin while he is in prison with the promise of sending someone to represent him at his trial?
(a) An American patent attorney.
(b) A released prisoner.
(c) A prison guard.
(d) A friend from New York City.

3. What happened on the same day that Baldwin's father died?
(a) The tenth child was born.
(b) The seventh child was born.
(c) The eighth child was born.
(d) The ninth child was born.

4. What does Baldwin assume is the main religion of the Swiss village?
(a) Islam.
(b) Judiasm.
(c) Catholicism.
(d) Buddhism.

5. According to Baldwin, which one of the following performers had the ability to be a successful performer in Paris in the 1940s and 50s?
(a) Harry Belafonte.
(b) Dorothy Dandridge.
(c) Jospehine Baker.
(d) Duke Ellington.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who were the only white people that visited Baldwin's childhood home?

2. Why does Baldwin escape to Paris?

3. What university were American soldiers attending in Paris?

4. What does Baldwin say must sustain the American Negro in the present?

5. What food was always in the reoccurring nightmares that Baldwin had while in Fresnes?

(see the answer keys)

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