Notes of a Native Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Notes of a Native Son Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Baldwin believes that the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin should have been:
(a) A Novel.
(b) A Short Story.
(c) A Pamphlet.
(d) A Play.

2. Why is the cleanliness of the Carmen Jones movie set necessary for white audiences?
(a) The cleanliness makes white audiences more comfortable with seeing Negroes in familiar situations.
(b) The cleanliness makes white audiences more comfortable with the role of the lead male Negro.
(c) The cleanliness makes white audiences view the black actors as equals.
(d) The cleanliness makes white audiences want to watch more Negro movies.

3. How is history and the progress of the Negro described in the chapter entitled Many Thousands Gone?
(a) Social.
(b) Sufficient.
(c) Anti-Social.
(d) Non-existent.

4. What does Baldwin suggest the presupposition of the two novels Kingsblood Royal and If He Hollers Let Him Go are in the chapter entitled Many Thousands Gone?
(a) The Negro is a man without a homeland.
(b) Blacks need to make themselves less offensive.
(c) Black men are inferior to white men.
(d) Black is a terrible color with which to be born into the world.

5. Who was the representative of the Progressive Party in Atlanta?
(a) Mrs. Branson Price.
(b) Mrs. Frank Johnson.
(c) Mr. Henry Wallace.
(d) Mrs. Dorothy Dandridge.

6. What point of view does Baldwin use in this essay?
(a) Second person narrative.
(b) Third person narrative.
(c) First person narrative.
(d) First person limited narrative.

7. What was the name of the establishment where the Melodeers ate their meals while in Atlanta?
(a) Fraziers' Diner.
(b) Hunter Street Café.
(c) Red's Diner.
(d) Fraziers' Café.

8. How does Baldwin describe the American Ideal?
(a) Everyone should connect to their cultural identity.
(b) Everyone should be as alike as possible.
(c) Everyone should reconnect to American history.
(d) Everyone should be as different as possible.

9. Of all Americans, who does Baldwin say Negroes distrust the most?
(a) Politicians.
(b) Jews.
(c) Musicians.
(d) Lawyers.

10. Why did Baldwin think the Negro vote was so easily bought and sold in the 1940s?
(a) Because Whites has a great influence in Black politics.
(b) Because it was treated with little respect.
(c) Because Blacks did care about politics.
(d) Because Blacks were in need of money.

11. What impeded the Progressive Party's progression in Harlem during the 1940s?
(a) The campaign promises were too common.
(b) The campaign promises were too extravagant.
(c) The campaign promises were geared towards Whites.
(d) The campaign promises were geared towards African Americans.

12. What are protest novels?
(a) Racism connecting nowhere to social policy.
(b) Fantasies connecting nowhere to reality.
(c) Reality connecting nowhere with fantasy.
(d) Socialism connecting nowhere to racism.

13. Why does Baldwin think it is safe for the film Carmen Jones to utilize an all-Negro cast?
(a) The Negroes would see a movie with an all-Negro cast.
(b) There are no white people to which the Negroes may be compared.
(c) The all-Negro cast is less intimidating.
(d) White people do not want to see an interracial cast.

14. Where is Harlem located?
(a) New York.
(b) Georgia.
(c) New Jersey.
(d) California.

15. What novel does Baldwin criticize as a more modern piece of shallow propaganda from the Negro experience?
(a) Carmen Jones.
(b) Native Son.
(c) Uncle Tom's Cabin.
(d) Black No More.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is the story of the Negro described in the chapter entitled Many Thousands Gone?

2. According to Baldwin, what color is associated with evil?

3. What was the political affiliation of the Amsterdam Star-News?

4. Who is the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin?

5. According to Baldwin, if black faces cannot be made white then what other way can they be changed in order to be less offensive to white society?

(see the answer keys)

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