Notes of a Native Son Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

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Notes of a Native Son Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Harlem Ghetto.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Although it is known that African Americans are not biologically or mentally inferior, what occurred during the World War II?
(a) The troops were segregated.
(b) The troops were evaluated.
(c) The troops were integrated.
(d) African Americans were not allowed to fight.

2. In what era did James Baldwin write Notes of a Native Son?
(a) Slavery era.
(b) Colonial.
(c) Pre-civil rights era.
(d) Civil rights era.

3. According to Baldwin, what has led to unforeseen paradoxical distress?
(a) Our passion for change.
(b) Our passion for categorization.
(c) Our passion for clarity.
(d) Our passion for knowledge.

4. The story of Carmen Jones deals with what type of people?
(a) Moral.
(b) Immortal.
(c) Immortal
(d) Amoral.

5. Why was Uncle Tom's Cabin was written?
(a) To abolish slavery.
(b) To show the every day life of a slave.
(c) To prove slavery is wrong.
(d) To tell the true story of Uncle Tom.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is the Negro in America referred to in the chapter entitled Many Thousands Gone?

2. How has Harlem changed since Baldwin's parents' lifetime?

3. How does Baldwin say American life compares to life in other parts of the world in the 1940s?

4. What does Baldwin claim Jews and Negroes must use in order to be accepted in the 1940s and 1950s?

5. What does Baldwin regard as the most important thing about the film Carmen Jones?

(see the answer key)

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