Notes of a Native Son Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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Notes of a Native Son Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Equal in Paris.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What occurred a few hours after the funeral of Baldwin's father?
(a) A Progressive Party rally.
(b) A black man was beat up by the police.
(c) A race riot.
(d) Baldwin's brother passed away.

2. Where did the Melodeers ultimately end up rehearsing for their performances in Atlanta?
(a) A Negro motel.
(b) YWCA.
(c) YMCA.
(d) A private home.

3. In the chapter, A Question of Identity, how does Baldwin learn about his struggle for identity in the world?
(a) By observing others and examining his own growth.
(b) By observing the lifestyle of the French African.
(c) By speaking with Parisians.
(d) By studying at a Parisian University.

4. What is not one of the two legends of the "white Gentile" as described by Baldwin?
(a) He has divided Negro men and women.
(b) He has divided the Jews and Negroes.
(c) He treats the Negro like a slave.
(d) He has taught the Negro to be inferior.

5. What gift did Baldwin's attorney friend bring him in prison?
(a) Lucky Strike Cigarettes.
(b) Clean bed sheets .
(c) A bottle of French wine.
(d) Coffee.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the author of Native Son?

2. According to Baldwin, who were the only people able to maintain a useful and unquestioned friendship with Negroes during the 1940s and 50s in Paris?

3. According to Baldwin, if black faces cannot be made white then what other way can they be changed in order to be less offensive to white society?

4. What is the setting of the opening of Native Son?

5. What newspaper rivaled the Amsterdam Star-News in the 1940s?

(see the answer key)

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