Not Without Laughter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Not Without Laughter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sandy saw that his mother worked very hard and that Mrs. Rice, the blond, skinny white woman, was constantly doing what?
(a) Helping Annjee.
(b) Entertaining Anjee.
(c) Ignoring Annjee.
(d) Criticizing Annjee.

2. How did Sandy react to his punishment?
(a) He yelled back.
(b) He laughed.
(c) He ran away.
(d) He went to his bed and cried all afternoon.

3. Jimboy sings many songs that he has learned from where?
(a) The south.
(b) Across the country.
(c) Kansas.
(d) The war.

4. What does Tempy give Sandy for Christmas?
(a) A pair of boots.
(b) A beautiful book of Andersen's Fairy Tales.
(c) A Bible.
(d) A new sled.

5. Tempy and her husband have done well financially and have stopped hanging around who?
(a) Lower-class blacks with darker skin.
(b) Middle-class blacks.
(c) All black people.
(d) White people.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Sandy and Buster do with their money?

2. "Carnival" begins with Hager and her family splitting up, with some going to the revival and some going to the carnival _____ mile down the road.

3. What was Aunt Hager going to do to punish Sandy?

4. "Work" begins with Jimboy and Sandy doing what?

5. At the beginning of the story, what is Aunt Hager desperately trying to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the purpose of "White Folks?"

2. Summarize "Storm."

3. How does the reader know that Harriet has lived a difficult life since she left home?

4. How does Aunt Hager react to Harriet and Sandy going to a dance? Why does she react this way?

5. How did Hager believe the blacks should deal with white oppression? Do you agree with her? Why or why not?

6. How is this a sad Christmas?

7. How does Annjee react when Jimboy comes home and ignores her and her cooking? Should she react this way? Why or why not?

8. Why did many black people have to leave Stanton?

9. What happened to Crowville? Why did this happen?

10. What takes place at the same time during "Carnival?" Why is this significant?

(see the answer keys)

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