Not Without Laughter Test | Final Test - Easy

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Not Without Laughter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Annjee say she needs Sandy's help?
(a) Since she misses him.
(b) Since she became ill.
(c) Since Jimboy was gone.
(d) Since she is very busy at work.

2. In 'The Doors of Life' Sandy is a ___________ in high school.
(a) Sophomore.
(b) Senior.
(c) Freshman.
(d) Junior.

3. When they go home, how does Sister Johnson feel?
(a) Somewhat disappointed.
(b) Furious.
(c) Anxious.
(d) Sad.

4. Whose writings moved Sandy?
(a) Harriet Tubman.
(b) Booker T. Washington.
(c) Abraham Lincoln.
(d) Those of W.E.B. du Bois.

5. What happened to Jimboy's guitar?
(a) It had to be sold.
(b) It is broken.
(c) It was stolen.
(d) It was sold to buy a better guitar.

6. He wanted to be more like Harriet, refusing to do what?
(a) Conform to the white folks' ways of perceiving him.
(b) Follow the laws.
(c) Live a simple life.
(d) Listen to his mother and aunt.

7. While working at the hotel, how did Sandy encounter Harriet?
(a) Answering the telephone.
(b) Cleaning bedrooms.
(c) With a man she was probably hired to have sex with.
(d) Renting a room.

8. Afterwards, Sandy and Annjee do what?
(a) Head home.
(b) Go to Harriett's dressing room.
(c) Go out for dinner with Harriet.
(d) Meet Harriet in a local pub.

9. Once when Sandy was shining the shoes of a drunken bunch of white men, one of them, a Southerner, told Sandy to do what?
(a) Clean his shoes for money.
(b) Tell jokes for money.
(c) Sing for money.
(d) Dance for money.

10. What does Sandy's friend say about Pansetta?
(a) She was "as cold as ice."
(b) She was "as sweet as pie."
(c) She was "not the sharpest knife in the drawer."
(d) She was "easy as hell."

11. Tempy sent Sandy to wire Annjee to let her know that Hager was sick. Why did the news not reach Annjee at this time?
(a) Sandy forgot her address.
(b) She did not pick up her telegram.
(c) Hager died before Sandy could get a message wired to Annjee.
(d) The address was no good.

12. When Sandy tires of listening to the other men, what does he do?
(a) He buys the Chicago Defender.
(b) He reads a nearby billboard.
(c) He opens up a local newspaper.
(d) He steps outside.

13. For how long did Sandy have this illness?
(a) Two weeks.
(b) Three months.
(c) Two months.
(d) Three weeks.

14. Who was with Pansetta?
(a) Jimmy Lane.
(b) James Lareby.
(c) Johnny Lemon.
(d) Jeremy Little.

15. What does Hager tell Sandy about slavery?
(a) Slavery was pretty good.
(b) Slavery was very bad.
(c) Slavery should be reinstated.
(d) While slavery was very bad, it wasn't all bad.

Short Answer Questions

1. One day, Mr. Logan recommends that he get a job where?

2. On another occasion, who did Sandy see naked?

3. When Harriett appears on stage, what does she do?

4. Sandy resolves not to let who down?

5. Why was it surprising to find Aunt Hager this way?

(see the answer keys)

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