Nostromo Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nostromo Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Nostromo think cares nothing for him?
(a) The mining industry
(b) Decoud
(c) The upper classes
(d) The sailors

2. From where is the steamship transporting troops?
(a) Esmeralda
(b) Sao Paulo
(c) America
(d) Buenos Airos

3. What does Montero wish to establish in the city?
(a) A musuem of his life
(b) A royal court
(c) An athletics club
(d) A cowboy and indian appreciation society

4. Who has joined the townspeople in cleaning up the town?
(a) Antonia
(b) The chief engineer of the railway
(c) Mr. Gould
(d) Nostromo

5. Who becomes a tour guide in Sulaco?
(a) Decoud
(b) Nostromo
(c) Captain Mitchell
(d) Mrs. Gould

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Pedro disappointed about in the city?

2. Who does Nostromo meet in the Custom House?

3. Who does Decoud beg not to surrender?

4. Pedro want his imperial democracy to be in the tradition of ___________.

5. What does Pedro offer Gould?

Short Essay Questions

1. What has happened to Decoud?

2. How does Nostromo start getting the silver into his possession?

3. How is the silver corrupting the characters?

4. How does the news of Nostromo and Decoud's supposed deaths prove their peers' real opinion of them?

5. In what way can Pedro be seen as a weak character?

6. How is the silver changing Nostromo's life?

7. How does Nostromo's role as a servant help him to take the silver?

8. What does Mrs. Viola tell Nostromo on her deathbed?

9. In what does Gould still hold power over Pedro in Part 3, Chapter 7?

10. How has the town changed when Mr. Gould arrives back in town?

(see the answer keys)

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