Nostromo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nostromo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom does Decoud tend to the wounded?
(a) Pedro
(b) Antonia
(c) Mrs. Gould
(d) Mr. Gould

2. What does Montero ask Don Pepe in his letter?
(a) If he can stay at his house
(b) Hand over the silver mine
(c) If he can marry his daughter
(d) Mr. Gould's location

3. What kind of ship does Nostromo hear in this chapter?
(a) An ocean liner
(b) A submarine
(c) A steam ship
(d) A pirate ship

4. Who is ready to surrender?
(a) Nostromo
(b) Montero
(c) Ribiera
(d) The town leaders

5. Who does Nostromo think cares nothing for him?
(a) The sailors
(b) The mining industry
(c) The upper classes
(d) Decoud

6. Who does Don Pepe want to form a military force?
(a) Women and children
(b) The whole town
(c) The people who live around the mine
(d) The town's leaders

7. Whose dead body do Nostromo and the doctor discover?
(a) Antonia
(b) Montero
(c) Hirsch
(d) Gould

8. Which two characters discuss the future of the town and the mine?
(a) The doctor and the engineer
(b) Antonia and Mrs. Gould
(c) Mr. Gould and the engineer
(d) Mr. Gould and Don Jose

9. What does Monygham now think has happened to the silver?
(a) Lost
(b) Stolen
(c) Buried
(d) Exchanged for medicine

10. Where were the three men taken prisoner?
(a) The lighthouse
(b) Giorgio's hotel
(c) Mr. Gould's house
(d) The silver mine

11. What does Giorgio now own on the islets?
(a) A ship
(b) A lighthouse
(c) A hostel
(d) A bar

12. Why has Nostromo been out sailing for months?
(a) To think about his life
(b) To look for Decoud
(c) To find lost treasue
(d) To have a cover story

13. Which character watches the ship dock?
(a) Mrs. Gould
(b) Nostromo
(c) Captain Mitchell
(d) Decoud

14. Who has joined the townspeople in cleaning up the town?
(a) The chief engineer of the railway
(b) Mr. Gould
(c) Nostromo
(d) Antonia

15. From where does Nostromo swim?
(a) The Isabel islets
(b) The light house
(c) The capital city
(d) Brazil

Short Answer Questions

1. For whom does Nostromo refuse to get a priest?

2. What does Gould vow to destroy?

3. On whom does Giselle have a romantic crush? on?

4. Why is it good for Nostromo that Decoud is dead?

5. What is Nostromo's new nickname?

(see the answer keys)

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