NOS4A2: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

NOS4A2: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By what name does Charles Manx refer to Bing’s home in "Search Engine, July 6-7"?
(a) “The House of Sleep.”
(b) “Tinsel Town.”
(c) “The Sleigh House.”
(d) “The Gumdrop House.”

2. Where does Vic’s mother say that Vic’s father is now living in "Bad Mother, December 16, 2011-July 6, 2012"?
(a) Dover, New Hampshire.
(b) Haverhill, Massachusetts.
(c) Sugarcreek, Pennsylvania.
(d) Brandenburg, Kentucky.

3. What is the name of the little Russian girl that appears at Lou and his girlfriend smash the ornaments in “Come All Ye Faithful, October”?
(a) Gina Kasparov.
(b) Petra Romanovsky.
(c) Maria Verlinsky.
(d) Marta Gregorski.

4. What word does the ratty girl covered in blood say as Lou and Wayne smash the ornaments in “Come All Ye Faithful, October”?
(a) “Checkmate.”
(b) “Noel.”
(c) “Pomoshch.”
(d) “Raleigh.”

5. What message is on the sign for the New American Faith Tabernacle Church when Vic sees it after crossing the Shorter Way Bridge in "Search Engine, July 6-7"?
(a) “Pray to God for forgiveness for your sins.”
(b) “I’m coming for you.”
(c) “God burned alive. Only devils now.”
(d) “Go back the way you came.”

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the German word “nosferatu” translate to in English?

2. What does the little boy who calls from Christmasland say his name is in the beginning of "Interlude: The Spirit of Ecstasy, 2000-2012"?

3. Who is the dead man that Vic finds in The Sleep House with a note in his mouth in "Christmasland, July 7-9"?

4. Where does Charles Manx meet his demise in “Triumph One Eternal, Christmas Eve”?

5. What is the name of the diner that the Rolls-Royce drives past with Wayne held captive and that he had eaten at earlier that day with his mother in "Search Engine, July 6-7"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where is Vic living in the opening of "Interlude: The Spirit of Ecstasy, 2000-2012"? Who is she living with?

2. What does Bing do at the church by his house in "Interlude: The Spirit of Ecstasy, 2000-2012"?

3. How does Vic come to spend the summer with her son in "Bad Mother, December 16, 2011-July 6, 2012"? How does she feel about this vacation?

4. Where does Vic travel to via the Shorter Way Bridge after she leaves Bing’s home in "Christmasland, July 7-9"? What does she learn here?

5. What is the setting of "Come All Ye Faithful, October"? What information is revealed to the reader in the opening of this chapter?

6. What actions does Vic take inside Christmasland in "Triumph One Eternal, Christmas Eve"?

7. Who advises Wayne in the backseat of the Wraith in "Search Engine, July 6-7"? What advice is given?

8. What does Charlie Manx tell Wayne about Maggie Leigh in "Christmasland, July 7-9"?

9. How does the narrator describe Vic’s relationship with her boyfriend and son in "Interlude: The Spirit of Ecstasy, 2000-2012"?

10. Whom does Vic speak with on the telephone while she’s in Bing’s basement in "Christmasland, July 7-9"?

(see the answer keys)

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