NOS4A2: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

NOS4A2: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Maggie flee to across the Shorter Way Bridge after running from the cops after Maggie’s death in "Christmasland, July 7-9"?
(a) The Supermax prison infirmary.
(b) Her father’s house.
(c) Christmasland.
(d) The Sleigh House.

2. Where does Charles Manx meet his demise in “Triumph One Eternal, Christmas Eve”?
(a) On Route 66.
(b) On the Shorter Way Bridge.
(c) Inside the Sleigh House.
(d) In the Library in Here, Iowa.

3. Who appears next to Wayne in the backseat of the Wraith and tells him to think backwards in "Search Engine, July 6-7"?
(a) Christopher McQueen.
(b) Tommy Priest.
(c) Linda McQueen.
(d) Susan Smith.

4. In the conclusion of the novel when does it denote the work was begun?
(a) June 16, 2005.
(b) March 12, 2010.
(c) September 11, 2001.
(d) July 4, 2009.

5. What part on the bike does Vic realize is unattached as she flees on the Triumph in "Search Engine, July 6-7"?
(a) The gas cap.
(b) The throttle cable.
(c) The rear brake line.
(d) The rim.

6. What is the name of Vic’s son in "Interlude: The Spirit of Ecstasy, 2000-2012"?
(a) Peter Carmody.
(b) Lou Carmody, Jr.
(c) Wayne Carmody.
(d) Paul Camody.

7. When does Nathan Demeter say the Rolls-Royce was made that he lets his daughter drive in "Interlude: The Spirit of Ecstasy, 2000-2012"?
(a) 1952.
(b) 1938.
(c) 1944.
(d) 1929.

8. How does Vic attempt to destroy the Wraith in “Triumph One Eternal, Christmas Eve”?
(a) She tries to dismantle the engine.
(b) She tries to remove the tires.
(c) She tries to drive it off a cliff.
(d) She tries to blow it up.

9. What does the nurse say Louis Carmody has been diagnosed with in "Christmasland, July 7-9"?
(a) Aortal aneurysm.
(b) Artery stenosis.
(c) Type II diabetes.
(d) Partial stroke and paralysis.

10. Who is the dead man that Vic finds in The Sleep House with a note in his mouth in "Christmasland, July 7-9"?
(a) Tommy Priest.
(b) Hank Tulowitzki.
(c) Nathan Demeter.
(d) Roger Sillman.

11. What is the name of Vic’s mother that she goes to spend time with in "Bad Mother, December 16, 2011-July 6, 2012"?
(a) Linda McQueen.
(b) Deborah McQueen.
(c) Sarah McQueen.
(d) Katherine McQueen.

12. When Bing Partridge asks Mr. de Zoet about Victoria McQueen in "Bad Mother, December 16, 2011-July 6, 2012," Mr. de Zoet imagines Vic as she was at what age?
(a) 12.
(b) 8.
(c) 16.
(d) 19.

13. How many “missions” had Charlie Manx and Bing Partridge completed together before Charlie was incarcerated?
(a) 8.
(b) 9.
(c) 20.
(d) 10.

14. What happens to the “True Children” of Charles Manx in the epilogue?
(a) They escape from Christmasland.
(b) They devour Manx’s soul and go to heaven.
(c) They drown in the ocean.
(d) They dissolve into battery acid.

15. What is the name of the children’s book series that Vic has gained fame by creating in the novel?
(a) The Christmasland series.
(b) The Sleigh House series.
(c) The Buster Boy series.
(d) The Search Engine series.

Short Answer Questions

1. What book series does the narrator say Lou and his girlfriend talk about mostly on her visits during lunch in “Come All Ye Faithful, October”?

2. Who is described as “the woman from South Carolina who drowned her children, then told a whopping lie about how they’d been kidnapped by a black man” in "Search Engine, July 6-7"?

3. What does Wayne’s ornament look like that Lou smashes in “Come All Ye Faithful, October”?

4. What lake is Vic referring to when she suggests to her mother, “We should go someplace for the summer. We could rent a place up on The Lake, like we used to,” in "Bad Mother, December 16, 2011-July 6, 2012"?

5. Sigmund de Zoet tells Bing that his wife is how many years younger than him in "Bad Mother, December 16, 2011-July 6, 2012"?

(see the answer keys)

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