Norwegian Wood Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Norwegian Wood Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Midori and Toru have lunch the day she decides to talk to him again?
(a) The restaurant where they met.
(b) A department store restaurant.
(c) His apartment.
(d) Her apartment.

2. What station does Midori's father mention to Toru?
(a) Ueno.
(b) Fukushima.
(c) Shinjuku.
(d) Ochanomizu.

3. What is the name of the old dog Toru, Reiko, and Naoko meet on their hike?
(a) Pepe.
(b) Tiger.
(c) Lassie.
(d) Dog.

4. What is Reiko most worried about while she is with the piano student on the bed?
(a) The girl's parents finding out.
(b) Her daughter walking in.
(c) Her husband walking in.
(d) That she isn't pretty enough.

5. The day Reiko's students felt sick, what did she ask Reiko for?
(a) A blanket.
(b) Juice.
(c) A backrub.
(d) To go home.

6. What does Toru name his cat?
(a) Seagull.
(b) Fluffy.
(c) Cottonball.
(d) Mouse.

7. What does Naoko teach at the sanatorium?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Astrology.
(c) Knitting.
(d) Guitar.

8. In what city is Toru, years later, when he is reminded of Hatsumi?
(a) San Juan, Puerto Rico.
(b) Santa Fe, New Mexico.
(c) Dublin, Ireland.
(d) Cape Town, South Africa.

9. What does Naoko say is her favorite time of day?
(a) Morning.
(b) Late at night.
(c) Noontime.
(d) Sunset.

10. What kind of animal does Naoko let Toru hold?
(a) A newborn kitten.
(b) A baby rabbit.
(c) A duckling.
(d) A baby chick.

11. Where does Midori ask Toru to take her the next time they meet?
(a) A topless bar.
(b) A porno movie.
(c) A baseball game.
(d) Miniature golfing.

12. What fruit was Midori's sister supposed to leave for their father but didn't?
(a) Peaches.
(b) Pears.
(c) Grapes.
(d) Kiwi.

13. Which bird does Naoko joke she wouldn't mind freezing?
(a) A parrot.
(b) A chicken.
(c) A peacock.
(d) A turkey.

14. What does Midori ask Toru to explain to her as they walk through Ochanomizu Station?
(a) The Pythagorean theorem.
(b) The nature vs. nurture debate.
(c) Gravity.
(d) The subjunctive case.

15. What song did a girl ask Toru to play at the record shop at the end of Chapter 6?
(a) "Jumpin' Jack Flash."
(b) "White Room."
(c) "Scarborough Fair."
(d) "Spinning Wheel."

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Toru and Itoh drink at Itoh's apartment?

2. What did Reiko ask her husband for when she woke up after attempting suicide?

3. How did Naoko's sister commit suicide?

4. How long did Reiko teach the young girl?

5. After the porno movie and more drinks, what does Midori announce she wants to do?

(see the answer keys)

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