Norwegian Wood Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Norwegian Wood Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the old dog Toru, Reiko, and Naoko meet on their hike?
(a) Lassie.
(b) Pepe.
(c) Tiger.
(d) Dog.

2. What winter sport does Reiko think Toru would enjoy?
(a) Snowshoeing.
(b) Downhill skiing.
(c) Ice hockey.
(d) Cross-country skiing.

3. What language is Nagasawa teaching himself in Chapter 8?
(a) Zulu.
(b) English.
(c) Chinese.
(d) Spanish.

4. Which of these is not something Toru tells Reiko he enjoys doing?
(a) Hiking.
(b) Reading.
(c) Swimming.
(d) Playing tennis.

5. What kind of calendar hangs over Midori's desk?
(a) Photographs of famous landscapes.
(b) Hello Kitty.
(c) Snoopy.
(d) The Beatles.

6. What does Naoko say is her favorite time of day?
(a) Sunset.
(b) Late at night.
(c) Morning.
(d) Noontime.

7. In what city is Toru, years later, when he is reminded of Hatsumi?
(a) Cape Town, South Africa.
(b) San Juan, Puerto Rico.
(c) Santa Fe, New Mexico.
(d) Dublin, Ireland.

8. To whom does Toru turn for advice on his relationships with Naoko and Midori?
(a) Nagasawa.
(b) Hatsumi.
(c) Itoh.
(d) Reiko.

9. On what does Toru cut his hand at the beginning of Chapter 8?
(a) A nail that is sticking out of a wall.
(b) A broken record at the store.
(c) A knife in the dining hall.
(d) A broken glass shelf.

10. What is the first thing Midori asks Toru about the day she decides to talk to him again?
(a) Her outfit.
(b) That day's lecture.
(c) His girlfriend.
(d) Her hair.

11. What kind of animal does Naoko let Toru hold?
(a) A baby rabbit.
(b) A newborn kitten.
(c) A duckling.
(d) A baby chick.

12. What day of the week does Midori finally call Toru?
(a) Friday.
(b) Monday.
(c) Saturday.
(d) Sunday.

13. What does Toru give Midori's father that he eats all of?
(a) Jell-O.
(b) Ice cream.
(c) Cucumber.
(d) Rice.

14. What author was Midori asked to read when she joined her club?
(a) Karl Marx.
(b) Rachel Carson.
(c) Gloria Steinem.
(d) Constantin Stanislavski.

15. How long has it been since Toru played pool?
(a) Three years and two months.
(b) One year and eleven months.
(c) Two years and ten months.
(d) Two years and five months.

Short Answer Questions

1. What part-time job does Toru take after classes start again?

2. What does Toru name his cat?

3. What kind of pizza do Midori and Toru have?

4. What cocktail is Midori drinking when Toru arrives at DUG?

5. The day Reiko's students felt sick, what did she ask Reiko for?

(see the answer keys)

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