Norwegian Wood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Norwegian Wood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the title of the song Midori wrote herself?
(a) "Strawberry Shortcake."
(b) "Perfect Love."
(c) "I Have Nothing."
(d) "Never Alone Again."

2. What could Toru hear in the distance while he and Naoko were in the meadow?
(a) Cars on a highway.
(b) Cows mooing.
(c) Church bells.
(d) A barking dog.

3. What has changed about Midori's appearance to make Toru not recognize her immediately?
(a) She has dyed her hair blonde.
(b) She has cut her hair very short.
(c) She has gotten a perm.
(d) She has lost twenty pounds.

4. In what city did Toru go to college?
(a) Tokyo.
(b) Hiroshima.
(c) Osaka.
(d) Nagano.

5. Who was Hatsumi?
(a) Naoko's roommate.
(b) Storm Trooper's sister.
(c) Nagasawa's girlfriend.
(d) Nagasawa's study partner.

6. How much weight has Naoko gained?
(a) Ten pounds.
(b) Six pounds.
(c) Two pounds.
(d) Fourteen pounds.

7. What did Toru's roommate do first thing in the morning that disturbed him?
(a) Radio Calisthenics.
(b) Cooked ramen noodles in the room.
(c) Yoga.
(d) Sang along to the national anthem.

8. What happened on campus in May?
(a) A student strike began.
(b) A faculty strike began.
(c) A sit-in for peace.
(d) A bomb threat.

9. What does Midori tell Toru is being burned at her old high school?
(a) Firewood from trees killed in the winter storms.
(b) Sanitary napkins.
(c) Grass clippings from the athletic fields.
(d) Old exam papers.

10. What does Midori's family do?
(a) They are farmers.
(b) Her parents are teachers.
(c) Her father owns a veterinary clinic.
(d) They run a bookstore.

11. What did Naoko give Toru for Christmas in 1968?
(a) Handmade gloves.
(b) A Beatles record.
(c) Theater tickets.
(d) A hat.

12. Who sings the title song, "Norwegian Wood"?
(a) Elton John.
(b) The Rolling Stones.
(c) Billy Joel.
(d) The Beatles.

13. What other living thing did Toru and Naoko see that day in the meadow?
(a) Bright red birds.
(b) Horses grazing.
(c) An old farmer and his wife.
(d) A dog running across a field.

14. Into what city is the narrator's plane flying at the beginning of the novel?
(a) Miami, Florida, U.S.
(b) Hamburg, Germany.
(c) Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(d) Melbourne, Australia.

15. How old did Naoko turn on her birthday in April, 1969?
(a) Twenty.
(b) Twenty-one.
(c) Nineteen.
(d) Eighteen.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Toru drink as he read the letter for the third time?

2. What does Nagasawa tell Toru is his "standard of action"?

3. What was Toru's roommate's nickname?

4. Why is one of the girls Toru meets going to Nagano?

5. What gesture does Naoko make that stops Toru's heart for a moment?

(see the answer keys)

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