Northwind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Northwind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does a whale mother push the canoe in "Mother Waters and Brother Whales"?
(a) Sandy beach.
(b) Rocky beach.
(c) Rugged beach.
(d) Sand bar.

2. What covers the island where Leif buries Little Carl?
(a) Tall trees.
(b) Tall trees and small mounds.
(c) Sand and brambles.
(d) Rocky outcroppings.

3. In "Whales," what does Leif smell when a whale gets close?
(a) An oily fishy smell.
(b) A fishy rancid smell.
(c) Fish and salt air.
(d) Farts and fish.

4. How long after the dark ship leaves do men in Leif's camp get sick?
(a) 10 days.
(b) 9 days.
(c) 6 days.
(d) 8 days.

5. How wide does Leif think the wing-span is of eagles he sees in "Hunger"?
(a) 3-4 feet.
(b) As wide as his outstretched arms.
(c) As wide as a young whale.
(d) 5-6 feet.

6. How many whales does Leif think he sees in "Whales"?
(a) 8 to 10.
(b) 9.
(c) 11.
(d) 6 to 8.

7. Where does Leif decide to bury Little Carl?
(a) Under a tree.
(b) On the beach.
(c) On an island.
(d) In a rock cairn.

8. What did Old Carl say that bears might do to find a single grub worm to eat?
(a) Tear out an entire bush.
(b) Dig a 6-foot hole.
(c) Dig in a hollow tree.
(d) Rip a whole log apart.

9. In "Whale Song," how many fish does Leif catch on his first try with his spear?
(a) 2.
(b) 1.
(c) 3.
(d) 4.

10. What is Leif's canoe made of?
(a) Oak.
(b) Cedar.
(c) Pine.
(d) Birch.

11. In "Whale Song," what trees does Leif find when he moves further into the inlet?
(a) Willows.
(b) Birch.
(c) Spruce.
(d) Cedar.

12. How far is Leif able to paddle when the wind is against him in "Hunger"?
(a) 2 inlets over.
(b) 3 inlets over.
(c) 4 inlets over.
(d) 1 inlet over.

13. Where do the whales take Leif in "Whales"?
(a) A cove.
(b) A river.
(c) A small island.
(d) An inlet.

14. In "Whale Song" when Leif cuts a willow, how tall does it cut it?
(a) 6 feet.
(b) Half again as tall as he is.
(c) 3 feet.
(d) Twice as tall as he is.

15. How old was Leif when he and others were left in an isolated fish camp where a small river came into the sea?
(a) 11.
(b) 10.
(c) 9.
(d) 12.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Whales," instead of being afraid of the orcas, what does Leif consider them?

2. In "The Saga of Sea Child," because of what the child was born clutching, what type of life was expected for the child?

3. In "Mother Waters and Brother Whales," what does Leif hear that seeps into his unconsciousness?

4. What was the child fed in "The Saga of Sea Child"?

5. What wakes Leif in "Whale Song"?

(see the answer keys)

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