Northanger Abbey Test | Final Test - Medium

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Northanger Abbey Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What surprises Catherine about Mrs. Tilney's chambers?
(a) How ordinary they are.
(b) How messy they are.
(c) How tidy they are.
(d) How vibrant they are.

2. Where do Catherine, Eleanor and Henry go for their walk?
(a) Clifton.
(b) Woodston.
(c) Fullerton.
(d) Beechen Cliff.

3. What does Catherine imagine of Northanger Abbey?
(a) That it must be in poor condition.
(b) That it must be like a Gothic castle.
(c) That it must be haunted.
(d) That it must be fashionably furnished.

4. After Catherine reveals her suspicions of General Tilney, how is Henry's behavior towards her different at dinner?
(a) He is honest about his romantic feelings.
(b) He is rude towards her.
(c) He pays her more attention than usual.
(d) He ignores her completely.

5. What time of day does Catherine leave Northanger Abbey?
(a) Midday.
(b) Late at night.
(c) After breakfast.
(d) Early in the morning.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reassures Catherine of General Tilney's good intentions of her?

2. What do Henry and Eleanor doubt that General Tilney will allow?

3. Who does Isabella dance with in spite of her engagement?

4. What does Catherine find in her room at Northanger Abbey?

5. What arrives for Catherine at the beginning of Chapter 15?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Catherine learn about Northanger Abbey?

2. How does Catherine feel about her brother's engagement?

3. What were the circumstances of Mrs. Tilney's death?

4. What about her dinner with the Tilneys caused Catherine disappointment?

5. How does General Tilney treat Catherine on their first meeting?

6. What does Catherine make of the growing attachment between Isabella and Captain Tilney?

7. Why does Catherine become troubled when Henry and Eleanor speak of Isabella's financial situation?

8. Why does Henry believe a liking for flowers is healthy for women?

9. What does General Tilney do to Catherine in Chapter 28 that is considered very rude?

10. What convinces Henry of Catherine's good nature?

(see the answer keys)

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