Northanger Abbey Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Northanger Abbey Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs. Allen ask Catherine to take out of her sleeve?
(a) A ribbon.
(b) A pin.
(c) A feather.
(d) A stray thread.

2. What advice does Mrs. Allen give Catherine for visiting the Tilneys?
(a) Catherine should wear white.
(b) Catherine should go with Isabella.
(c) Catherine should take a gift.
(d) Catherine should smile brightly.

3. How long did it take Catherine to learn the "Beggar's Petition"?
(a) One month.
(b) One week.
(c) Eight weeks.
(d) Three months.

4. When Catherine refuses a dance, what does John Thorpe offer to show her?
(a) The four greatest comedians in the room.
(b) The four greatest quizzers in the room.
(c) The four greatest dancers in the room.
(d) The four greatest conversationalists in the room.

5. What does Catherine do in the evening before attending the nightly dance?
(a) Reads her book.
(b) Takes a walk with Mrs. Allen.
(c) Repairs a tear in her dress.
(d) Writes a letter to her parents.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the weather like at the opening of Chapter 11?

2. What color are the trimmings on the dress Catherine wears when she meets Mr. Tilney?

3. What is General Tilney's reported opinion of Catherine?

4. How long did Isabella have to wait for Catherine at the pump-rooms in Chapter 6?

5. How long is Catherine to go to Bath for?

Short Essay Questions

1. Does Mr. Tilney feel that women are better at writing than men?

2. What is puzzling to Catherine about her conversation with John Thorpe on the topic of the carriage her brother drives?

3. What does Catherine tell Mr. Tilney she does not do, and how does he react?

4. What is the apparent relationship between Isabella and James in Chapter 7?

5. What comment does Austen make about fashion?

6. What misunderstanding does John apparently have of the Morland family?

7. Why does Catherine leave the dance early?

8. As Catherine is leaving Bath in John's carriage, what happens when she spots the Tilneys in the street?

9. Why is Catherine mortified following her visit to the Tilney home?

10. What explanation is given for Catherine being turned away at the Tilney home?

(see the answer keys)

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