Northanger Abbey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Northanger Abbey Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Mrs. Allen and Catherine have to do before attending a ball?
(a) Shop for garments to wear to the ball.
(b) Visit a hair salon.
(c) Reserve a carriage.
(d) Write to acquaintances who will be attending the ball.

2. When conversing, what advantage does Mrs. Thorpe have over Mrs. Allen?
(a) Mrs. Thorpe has children to brag of.
(b) Mrs. Thorpe has a fortune to brag of.
(c) Mrs. Thorpe has a new silk dress to brag of.
(d) Mrs. Thorpe has a new carriage to brag of.

3. What separates Catherine and Isabella for a time at the ball?
(a) Isabella feels ill and sits quietly in a corner.
(b) Isabella and James spend time in the tea-room.
(c) Catherine goes outside for some fresh air.
(d) The girls dance in different sets.

4. According to Catherine, why should Isabella not persuade her to feel so much for Mr. Tilney?
(a) Catherine may never see Mr. Tilney again.
(b) Mr. Tilney's social status is unknown.
(c) Mr. Tilney's feelings are unknown.
(d) Catherine is unsure of her feelings for Mr. Tilney.

5. Who does Catherine see speaking with General Tilney?
(a) John Thorpe.
(b) Her brother.
(c) Isabella.
(d) Mr. Allen.

6. Who introduces Catherine to Mr. Tilney?
(a) Mr. Allen.
(b) Mrs. Allen.
(c) Mr. Tilney introduces himself.
(d) The master of the ceremonies.

7. Awaking the morning after the ball, what is the first wish of Catherine's heart?
(a) To dance with Henry Tilney again.
(b) To become better acquainted with Eleanor Tilney.
(c) To meet Isabella for tea.
(d) To read her novel before breakfast.

8. Who taught Catherine French?
(a) Mrs. Morland.
(b) Catherine's older brother.
(c) Mrs. Allen.
(d) Mr. Morland.

9. What does Mrs. Allen ask Catherine to take out of her sleeve?
(a) A ribbon.
(b) A stray thread.
(c) A pin.
(d) A feather.

10. What does Catherine fear General Tilney dislikes about her?
(a) Her appearance.
(b) Her family.
(c) Her friends.
(d) Her wealth.

11. Who does John Thorpe claim of Henry and Eleanor Tilney?
(a) That they have taken a trip out of Bath.
(b) That they will travel to Bristol too.
(c) That they are caring for their ailing father.
(d) That they have returned to Gloucestershire.

12. Who reports seeing two carriages waiting in the street after a rap draws her to the window?
(a) Catherine.
(b) Mrs. Allen.
(c) Mr. Allen.
(d) Isabella.

13. At the beginning of Chapter 10, where have the Allens, Thorpes and Morlands met?
(a) In the street.
(b) At the theatre.
(c) At the tea-room.
(d) At the pump-room.

14. Where is Mr. Tilney's family based?
(a) Derbyshire.
(b) Lincolnshire.
(c) Gloucestershire.
(d) Yorkshire.

15. How do Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Thorpe know each other?
(a) They were neighbors growing up.
(b) They attend the same church.
(c) They went to school together.
(d) Mrs. Thorpe was once engaged to Mr. Allen.

Short Answer Questions

1. What part of Udolpho does Catherine read to before meeting Isabella in Chapter 6?

2. What does Isabella write a list of for Catherine?

3. What courtesy do Isabelle and James grant Catherine at the dance?

4. What advice does Mrs. Allen give Catherine for visiting the Tilneys?

5. With but a few exceptions, what is John's opinion of novels?

(see the answer keys)

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