North and South Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

North and South Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who requests that the inquest into Leonards' death be stopped?
(a) Mr. Hale.
(b) Mrs. Hale.
(c) Mr. Thornton.
(d) Margaret.

2. Who does Frederick see about his legal problems?
(a) A judge.
(b) The mayor.
(c) A private investigator.
(d) Mr. Lennox.

3. What false errand does Margaret apologize for sending Nicholas on?
(a) Trying to get into Mrs. Thornton's dinner party.
(b) Talking to her father about their possibly getting married.
(c) Asking Mr. Thornton for a job.
(d) Trying to adop the Boucher children.

4. Who does Margaret (correctly) guess is making inquiries about Frederick's returning to England after she moves to London?
(a) Dixon.
(b) Mrs. Thornton.
(c) Mr. Hale.
(d) Mr. Thornton.

5. Where does Mr. Hale pass away?
(a) On the train to Mr. Bell's.
(b) At Mr. Bell's home.
(c) At his wife's gravside.
(d) At home, in his own bed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who escorts Frederick to the train station when he leaves Milton?

2. Who ultimately tells Mrs. Boucher that her husband has died?

3. Where does Frederick plan to go after fleeing Milton (after Mrs. Hale dies)?

4. Who walks in on Margaret just as she is complaining about Mr. Thornton's not giving Nicholas a job?

5. Why does Nicholas want to move south after Boucher dies?

Short Essay Questions

1. What causes the police inspector to be suspicious of Margaret?

2. Why does Mr. Thornton become particularly upset over the news of Mr. Hale's death?

3. Why is Mr. Hale not happy when his son returns home?

4. Why is Mr. Lennox able to take Margaret on a vacation to the seaside?

5. What kinds of conversations do Mrs. Thornton and her son usually have?

6. After Bessy dies, why does Margaret bring a drunk Nicholas back to her house?

7. Why does Margaret initially refuse to give Mr. Thornton any credit for helping her and her brother with the police investigation?

8. What does the dying Mrs. Hale ask Mrs. Thornton to do?

9. Why is Mr. Thornton fearful of Nicholas after he refuses to give him work?

10. Why does Margaret lie to the police inspector?

(see the answer keys)

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