The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression Test | Final Test - Easy

Andrew Solomon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression Test | Final Test - Easy

Andrew Solomon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Freud publish Flying Papers?
(a) 1911.
(b) 1895.
(c) 1824.
(d) 1767.

2. Who formed the idea that the brain controls the central nervous system?
(a) Plato.
(b) Menodotus.
(c) Hippocrates.
(d) Herophilius.

3. Who says, "Depressed people don't nag enough."?
(a) Mike Wallace.
(b) Tipper Gore.
(c) William Styron.
(d) Lynn Rivers.

4. How old was Lolly when she began to be abused?
(a) Three months.
(b) 6.
(c) 13.
(d) 23.

5. Right-side brain activation is tied to high baseline levels of what?
(a) Prolactin.
(b) Cortisol.
(c) Estrogen.
(d) Melatonin.

6. What was depression referred to as before the term "depression" came about?
(a) Low spirits.
(b) Melancholia.
(c) Disease of sadness.
(d) Iratus.

7. What does Representative Roukema's spouse do for a living?
(a) Psychiatrist.
(b) Software designer.
(c) Pharmacist.
(d) Police officer.

8. What is the greatest block to progress when dealing with depression?
(a) Oversimplification.
(b) Social stigma.
(c) Imaging.
(d) Medicalization.

9. What percent of Americans fall below the poverty line?
(a) 5.4 percent.
(b) 11.3 percent.
(c) 13.7 percent.
(d) 8.6 percent.

10. What mental illness does Paul Wellstone's brother suffer from?
(a) Depression.
(b) Schizophrenia.
(c) Bipolar disorder.
(d) Anorexia.

11. From whom do we get the first true description of psychoanalysis?
(a) Emil Kraeplin.
(b) Adolf Meyer.
(c) Henry Maudsley.
(d) Karl Abraham.

12. What is the strongest factor in predicting suicide?
(a) Previous attempts.
(b) Depression.
(c) Family history.
(d) Talking about it.

13. How many of the impoverished, depressed men that Solomon interviewed were HIV positive?
(a) Half.
(b) A quarter.
(c) All.
(d) None.

14. How often does someone in the U.S. commit suicide?
(a) Every 55 seconds.
(b) Every five hours.
(c) Every 17 minutes.
(d) Every three hours.

15. The suicide rate when up in the U.S. after the suicide of who?
(a) Brynn Hartman.
(b) Dave Garroway.
(c) Kurt Cobain.
(d) Marilyn Monroe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the first and only member of Congress to share their own mental health problems?

2. What does Solomon believe is the best indicator of recovery?

3. How was depression seen in the thirteenth century?

4. How many suicide attempts are there for every successful suicide?

5. Who is the grandfather of psychodynamic therapy?

(see the answer keys)

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