Noggin Test | Final Test - Medium

John Corey Whaley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Noggin Test | Final Test - Medium

John Corey Whaley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who thanks Travis for being a good friend to Kyle in Chapter 23?
(a) Hatton.
(b) Audrey.
(c) Valerie.
(d) Glen.

2. Where does Travis ask Hatton to take him in Chapter 32?
(a) To a bank.
(b) To a bakery.
(c) To a movie theater.
(d) To a jewelry store.

3. Where does Travis kiss Cate in Chapter 36?
(a) On her neck.
(b) On the hand.
(c) On the lips.
(d) On the cheek.

4. Who joins Travis, Kyle, Cate, and Hatton in Chapter 35?
(a) Audrey.
(b) Turner.
(c) Glen.
(d) Janice.

5. What do Travis and his friends call Jeremy's mother in Chapter 35?
(a) Mrs. Thompson.
(b) Mrs. Anderson.
(c) Mrs. James.
(d) Mrs. Pratt.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Hatton's father's profession?

2. Where is Travis in the Epilogue?

3. What is the title of Chapter 36?

4. What is Matt's last name?

5. What is the title of Chapter 25?

Short Essay Questions

1. What circumstances are noted when Cate leaves Travis's home in Chapter 27?

2. What interaction do Travis and Kyle have in Part 6, Chapter 24 regarding Cate?

3. Where does Matt take Travis and Hatton in Chapter 29? Why?

4. What is significant about the change in the narrative tense in the Epilogue?

5. What news does Travis learn from Kyle in Chapter 27?

6. What does Travis learn from his father regarding his parents' divorce in Chapter 27?

7. What transformation does Travis undergo in Chapter 35?

8. What does Travis decide in the Retro Room in Part 6, Chapter 24?

9. What is the memory that Travis relates in Chapter 26?

10. What is significant about the chapter title of Chapter 34?

(see the answer keys)

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