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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Whom did Inez fall in love with on Earth?
2. Whom does Estelle get the most attention from?
3. Whose marriage did Inez break up?
4. Why does Inez offer Estelle a place on her couch?
5. Florence crept out of bed and...
Short Essay Questions
1. Why did Garcin flee to Mexico, and what does it have to do with cowardice?
2. Do you think that Garcin really would prefer physical torture? Which would you prefer--physical or mental anguish of this kind?
3. Why does Estelle shed no actual tears when she cries?
4. Why do you think that Inez tries to pull Garcin off Estelle?
5. What do you think is the worst thing Garcin did to his wife?
6. What do you think of Inez's attempt to woo Estelle by calling her by the romantic names her lovers used to use?
7. Why does the image of a young couple making love in her apartment so upset Inez?
8. Sartre uses a mirror as a symbol in Part 3. Describe how the mirror is important to understanding the character of Estelle.
9. Why does Inez lie about Estelle's pimple?
10. Why does Inez describe Estelle's mouth as cruel?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
There is a lot of implicit meaning in this play, and the characters misrepresent their pasts to varying degrees. While Inez is relatively upfront about her crimes, Garcin holds back and Estelle is in severe denial about her past. Pick two of the explicit actions of the play below and discuss the implicit significance of each.
A) Garcin kissing Estelle.
B) Inez lying about the pimple.
C) Estelle crying without tears.
Essay Topic 2
Punishment and suffering are two major themes in this play, especially in terms of characterizing the three main characters. Chose one of the options below:
A) The characters deserved their punishment as it fit their crimes.
B) The characters did not deserve to suffer the way they did. Their actions in the room should make up for their crimes.
Please chose just one character to write about (Garcin, Inez or Florence) and write an essay that makes an argument for either A) or B) above.
Essay Topic 3
Feminist critique of this play might argue that while all three characters are unlikable, the portrayal of women is skewed toward the negative. Inez is cruel and Estelle vain, and Garcin makes altogether a more sympathetic impact on the audience.
(chose one, A or B)
A) Compare and contrast the ways Sartre characterizes Inez and Estelle. Focus on textual specifics: What they look like, how they behave, and what the audience thinks of them. How are their portrayals similar to and different from each other?
B) Decide if you think that Garcin is a sympathetic character and one audiences will like. Defend your argument either that he is likable or is not likable with examples.
C) Discuss how the off screen characters--Roger, Florence, Inez's cousin, Garcin's wife--affect your interpretation of and response to either A) or B) above.
This section contains 952 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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