No Ordinary Time Test | Final Test - Easy

Doris Kearns Goodwin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

No Ordinary Time Test | Final Test - Easy

Doris Kearns Goodwin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where are Franklin and Eleanor at the beginning of Chapter 24?
(a) Hyde Park
(b) New York City
(c) Paris
(d) Washington

2. What happens to Roosevelt on January 20, 1945?
(a) Has a stroke
(b) Divorces Eleanor
(c) Withdraws troops from Europe
(d) Inaugurated as president

3. What condition did another doctor find when examining Roosevelt?
(a) Lung failure
(b) Failing eyesight
(c) Stomach cancer
(d) Kidney stones

4. What torments Eleanor at the beginning of Chapter 22?
(a) Civil Rights opponents
(b) Political detractors
(c) Diabetes
(d) Identity crisis

5. In what organization did Eleanor become a vital force?
(a) The New York Arts Council
(b) The United Nations
(c) The Civil Liberties Union
(d) League of Women Voters

6. What strikes Eleanor upon her return trip?
(a) Anxiety
(b) Fatigue
(c) Depression
(d) Cancer

7. Who moves into the White House permanently to serve as Roosevelt's hostess and secretary?
(a) Anna Roosevelt
(b) Missy LeHand
(c) Lucy Mercer
(d) Lorena Hickok

8. Whose arrest added to the encouraging war news from abroad?
(a) Hitler
(b) Goebbels
(c) Mussolini
(d) Eichmann

9. With what disease is Roosevelt diagnosed?
(a) Mesothelioma
(b) Congestive heart failure
(c) Lung cancer
(d) Diabetes

10. What is Roosevelt's destination for a two-week visit on March 24, 1945?
(a) Warm Springs, Georgia
(b) Campobello
(c) London
(d) Hyde Park

11. To whom did Lucy Mercer send a sympathy letter after Franklin's death?
(a) Elliott Roosevelt
(b) Anna Roosevelt
(c) John Roosevelt
(d) Elizabeth Roosevelt

12. What information do reports from Europe contain?
(a) Jews are being murdered in concentration camps
(b) The Allies are winning
(c) The Russian atomic bomb is ready for deployment
(d) The Japanese are planning another attack

13. Where is Roosevelt given a physical at the urging of his daughter, Anna?
(a) Johns Hopkins
(b) Bethesda Naval Hospital
(c) Columbia Medical Center
(d) Duke University

14. What organization is established in January of 1944 but is essentially useless?
(a) The War Refugee Board
(b) NATO
(c) The League of Nations
(d) The United Nations

15. Who is blamed for black women quitting their jobs as domestics to work in factories?
(a) Missy LeHand
(b) Lucy Mercer
(c) Eleanor Roosevelt
(d) Franklin Roosevelt

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Roosevelt try to arrange before the Congressional election in 1942?

2. What bill does Roosevelt sign into law in June of 1944?

3. In September of 1942 Franklin and Eleanor take a two-week trip to _______________________________.

4. In what year did Eleanor Roosevelt die?

5. What major military event occurs on June 6, 1944?

(see the answer keys)

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