No One Is Coming to Save Us Test | Final Test - Medium

Stephanie Powell Watts
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

No One Is Coming to Save Us Test | Final Test - Medium

Stephanie Powell Watts
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one of the things Lana does on her day off?
(a) Lana does hair for the Perkins cousins, two old women, on her day off.
(b) Lana goes out for dinner on her day off.
(c) Lana babysits on her day off.
(d) Lana gambles on her day off.

2. What does Sylvia find herself doing on the phone to Marcus in Chapter 33 that she had not planned on doing?
(a) Telling him she will come to visit him the next day.
(b) Telling him she loved him.
(c) Saying goodbye to him.
(d) Telling him to break out of jail.

3. What does Sylvia tell Charlotte about Marcus when she visits Charlotte in Chapter 35?
(a) That Marcus is getting out of jail in a few weeks.
(b) That Marcus needs Charlotte to send him a cake.
(c) That Marcus has called her from jail and wants Sylvia to ask Charlotte not to forget about him.
(d) That Marcus wants Charlotte to send him money.

4. What does Sylvia finally tell Marcus about Devon?
(a) That Devon is in jail too.
(b) That Devon is ill.
(c) That Devon has moved to Colorado.
(d) That Devon is dead.

5. Why is Sylvia so upset with Ava in Chapter 28?
(a) Sylvia knows Ava has just lost another baby.
(b) Sylvia knows Ava has just had a huge fight with Don.
(c) Sylvia knows Ava needs money and is not telling her about it.
(d) Sylvia knows Ava is having an affair with JJ.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do JJ and Ava do when they go to his house for the first time?

2. What is the name of the woman JJ tells Ava he has been in a relationship with?

3. Where do Ava and JJ go after Ava has realized she had a miscarriage?

4. What chore did Ava do at her grandmother's Sunday dinners?

5. How did everyone else refer to Lana's shop?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ava do when she visits the reservoir with JJ in Chapter 34 that is dangerous and unexpected?

2. How does Charlotte react when Sylvia goes to visit her in Chapter 35?

3. What happens between Devon and the unnamed old woman who he helps with cleaning her basement?

4. What does Ava tell JJ in Chapter 20 about how she felt toward Henry's child when she first saw him?

5. In Chapter 27, what does JJ remember about what happened in his childhood after his father won a big hand at poker?

6. In Chapter 27, what does JJ remember about doing together with his father when he was a child?

7. What errand does Sylvia take Lana with her to do in Chapter 22 that is related to Marcus?

8. What does Sylvia tell Lana about Devon in Chapter 29 that deeply disturbs Lana?

9. What does Sylvia tell Ava about her opinion about Ava and JJ's relationship in Chapter 28?

10. What memory about burning trash in a barrel as a child does JJ share with Ava at Simmy's in Chapter 20?

(see the answer keys)

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