No One Is Coming to Save Us Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephanie Powell Watts
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

No One Is Coming to Save Us Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephanie Powell Watts
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does JJ do with his father as a child that he remembers in Chapter 27?
(a) Go to poker games.
(b) Cook meals.
(c) Go to football games.
(d) Play the piano.

2. Who does Ava think that Sylvia had an affair with when Ava was a little girl?
(a) Johnny.
(b) James Martin.
(c) JJ.
(d) Marcus.

3. What activity was Ava known for doing often as a child?
(a) Painting.
(b) Reading.
(c) Drawing.
(d) Dancing.

4. How does JJ feel about the idea that people can change?
(a) He thinks it is very easy for people to change and they do it all the time.
(b) He does not think people can change.
(c) He thinks people can change, but only over a very long period of time.
(d) He thinks people can change, but only to a small degree.

5. Where did Ava's and JJ's brief romance from years earlier take place?
(a) JJ's house.
(b) Ava's college dorm room.
(c) The reservoir.
(d) The woods in Pinewood.

6. Who is in the house with Charlotte when Sylvia visits her?
(a) Several children.
(b) Marcus's elderly mother.
(c) Charlotte's and Marcus's daughter.
(d) Charlotte's parents.

7. What kinds of birds does JJ tell Ava he saw in flocks when he lived in Pennsylvania?
(a) Geese.
(b) Crows.
(c) Magpies.
(d) Vultures.

8. What does Sylvia remember about going to the doctor when she was pregnant years earlier?
(a) She remembers the doctor humiliating her because of her weight.
(b) She remembers the doctor being kind and gentle.
(c) She remembers her husband getting squeamish at the sight of blood.
(d) She remembers the nurse hurting her with a needle.

9. What does Ava tell Sylvia about Henry in Chapter 32?
(a) That Henry sells drugs.
(b) That Henry is leaving her.
(c) That Henry lost his job.
(d) That Henry has a child.

10. How does Devon die?
(a) He is shot during a robbery.
(b) He dies of cancer.
(c) He dies from a drug overdose.
(d) He is hit by a car after many miles of walking along busy roads.

11. Where do Ava and JJ go after Ava has realized she had a miscarriage?
(a) The reservoir.
(b) California.
(c) The mountains.
(d) Europe.

12. What does Ava tell JJ about Zeke in Chapter 34?
(a) That she was going to try to get custody of him.
(b) That she had planned on kidnapping him.
(c) That she had driven to his school just to catch a glimpse of him.
(d) That she wanted Henry to go and live with him and Carrie.

13. What chore did Ava do at her grandmother's Sunday dinners?
(a) Take out the garbage.
(b) Cook the chicken.
(c) Wash the dishes.
(d) Clean the vegetables.

14. What does JJ ask the waitress at the front counter as soon as he and Ava get to Simmy's?
(a) Whether or not Carrie is working.
(b) Whether or not Henry has been there that day.
(c) Whether or not they serve vegan food.
(d) Whether or not they serve alcohol.

15. Where did Jonnie work before she had come home and had her baby?
(a) Little Rock.
(b) Savannah.
(c) Charlotte.
(d) Miami.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of pet did Devon have as a child that escaped and died in the house?

2. What day of the week was Lana's shop closed?

3. What was Ava's Uncle Earl's nickname?

4. Where does Sylvia say she is going to go with Ava at the start of Chapter 32?

5. What happened to the money JJ's father had given him after winning his big hand of poker?

(see the answer keys)

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