No-No Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

No-No Boy Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Ichiro's father when Ichiro gets home from returning Kenji's car?
(a) He is passed out.
(b) He is working in the grocery store.
(c) He is not home.
(d) He is on the phone, calling the police.

2. Where does Ichiro apply for a job in Portland?
(a) A small engineering firm.
(b) A small factory.
(c) A small farm.
(d) A small bakery.

3. What is the Christian Rehabilitation Center?
(a) It refurbishes donated items to give to the poor.
(b) It is a drug rehabilitation center.
(c) It is a religious rehabilitation center.
(d) It is a school.

4. What happens to Freddie as he and Ichiro enter Club Oriental together near the end of the book?
(a) Taro grabs Freddie from behind.
(b) Taro grabs Ichiro from behind.
(c) Bull grabs Freddie from behind.
(d) Bulls grabs Ichiro from behind.

5. What does Ichiro realize about his attitude following the job interview in Portland as well as the incident at the Cafe?
(a) He is bitter because of Kenji's war injuries.
(b) He has a chip on his shoulder, even with people who sympathize with him.
(c) He is angry toward police officers.
(d) He is mad because he can't find a job.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does it take Kenji so many hours to pick Ichiro up at the grocery store before they leave for Portland?

2. Why is Tommy unhappy when he and Ichiro go to church?

3. Why is Ichiro's father drinking so much the day Ichiro returns from Portland?

4. After a great family meal together, what do Kenji and his family watch on television?

5. What is Ichiro's father's mood on the day of Ichiro's mother's funeral?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Ichiro's father drinking so heavily?

2. What is Ichiro's father so impressed with at Ichiro's mother's funeral?

3. What does finding a job represent to Ichiro?

4. What does Ichiro's behavior to the Japanese waiter at the Burnside Cafe symbolize?

5. How does Freddie die?

6. Why does Kenji tell Ichiro to go back to Seattle without him?

7. What news does Emi share with Ichiro after his mother's funeral?

8. How does Ichiro cause Bull's face to gush with blood?

9. Describe Kenji's father's house.

10. What makes Kenji's family different from Ichiro's family?

(see the answer keys)

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