No-No Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

No-No Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What will Ichiro do for the Christian Rehabilitation Center?
(a) Fix furniture.
(b) Work with the sign painter.
(c) Work with the priest.
(d) Teach children how to read.

2. What does Ichiro tell Mr. Morrison, the man in charge of the Christian Rehabilitation Center?
(a) That he loves to paint.
(b) That he decided to go to jail rather than serve in the army.
(c) That he is against all forms of religion.
(d) That he is mourning the loss of his mother.

3. Why is Ichiro's father impressed at his wife's funeral?
(a) There are many butterflies flying around.
(b) There is a lot of food.
(c) There are many people to offer condolences.
(d) There are many flowers.

4. What does Ichiro learn about his mother after her death?
(a) She never wanted Ichiro to be happy.
(b) She always wanted to move back to Japan.
(c) She didn't like working in the grocery store.
(d) She tried to make life pleasant for him.

5. What commotion at the door at Club Oriental distracts Kenji as he is sitting down to relax?
(a) The bartenders were fighting.
(b) There was a fire in the doorway.
(c) A Japanese boy and two blacks have been rudely asked to leave.
(d) Japanese girls were being kicked out of the club.

6. After a great family meal together, what do Kenji and his family watch on television?
(a) Baseball.
(b) Hockey.
(c) Football.
(d) Soccer.

7. How does Ichiro's mother die?
(a) She dies of natural causes.
(b) She drowns herself in the bathtub.
(c) She shoots herself.
(d) She hangs herself.

8. What is Ichiro's attitude about minorities in America at the end of the novel?
(a) He feels there is no hope.
(b) He thinks he should move to Japan.
(c) He thinks he should have stayed in prison.
(d) He feels there is hope.

9. Who stabbed Ito?
(a) Freddie.
(b) Taro.
(c) Ichiro's father.
(d) Bull.

10. What happens to Freddie after he runs away from the fight in the alley?
(a) He dies in the car crash.
(b) He goes to fight Ito.
(c) He goes back to the bar.
(d) He runs home.

11. Why does Kenji tell only his father that he is leaving?
(a) To avoid a fight with the family.
(b) To avoid having to help clean up the dishes.
(c) To avoid a tearful goodbye with the family.
(d) To avoid disrupting the family watching television.

12. Who arranged the marriage between Ichiro's parents?
(a) A mayor.
(b) A police officer.
(c) A priest.
(d) A teacher.

13. Why is Ichiro's father drinking so much the day Ichiro returns from Portland?
(a) He is deeply depressed.
(b) He wants to have fun.
(c) He is trying to go to sleep.
(d) He is an alcoholic.

14. When did everything change in his marriage, according to Ichiro's father?
(a) When she tried to stack the cans.
(b) When they opened the grocery store.
(c) When they had children.
(d) When they made the trip from Japan to America.

15. What does Ichiro realize about his attitude following the job interview in Portland as well as the incident at the Cafe?
(a) He is bitter because of Kenji's war injuries.
(b) He is angry toward police officers.
(c) He has a chip on his shoulder, even with people who sympathize with him.
(d) He is mad because he can't find a job.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Ichiro jump out of the limousine while he and his father are waiting?

2. What does the idea of finding work represent for Ichiro?

3. What happens when Ichiro shakes his father?

4. When is Ichiro going to start his new job in Portland?

5. Where does Ichiro apply for a job in Portland?

(see the answer keys)

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