No Matter How Loud I Shout Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Edward Humes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

No Matter How Loud I Shout Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Edward Humes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the boy who testified against his father for molestation in Peggy Beckstrand’s memories of a prior case in Part 1, Chapter 3?

2. Carla James was sentenced to spend how much time at Camp Resnick for theft and assault charges, according to the author in Part 1, Chapter 2?

3. According to the author in Part 1, Chapter 5, Luis Santos was sent to prison for how many years for his crime?

4. What element of an adult courtroom is missing in the juvenile court system?

5. What judge is described by the author in Part 1, Chapter 2 as having seen “potential” in Carla James, and thus gave her a lesser sentence for theft and assault?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the author describe Judge Dorn’s impressions on those within the California Juvenile Justice system in Part 1, Chapter 4?

2. For what crime was Carla James charged in Part 1, Chapter 2? How is Carla characterized by the author?

3. What led to George Trevino’s decision to join a street gang, according to the author in Part 1, Chapter 6? How did this lead to his arrest?

4. What did Elias Elizondo tell Edward Humes about juvenile reform in “Intake”?

5. What courtroom does the author describe as the central setting for the narrative in Part 1, Chapter 1? How is this setting described by Peggy Beckstrand?

6. How was Peggy Beckstrand’s cross-examination of Roland Duncan described in Part 1, Chapter 8?

7. What were Peggy Beckstrand’s feelings about the Roland Duncan case, as described by the author in Part 1, Chapter 3?

8. How is Roland Duncan’s behavior characterized when he returned from court in Part 1, Chapter 3?

9. What led to Gerald Francis Gault’s arrest in 1964? What was Gault charged with?

10. What led to Carla James’s apprehension in Part 1, Chapter 7?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Describe and discuss the foster care system of Los Angeles. How many kids are in the foster system today? How many were in the system in 1994? What problems does the author point out about the system? What changes do you think should be made to the system?

Essay Topic 2

Describe and discuss the time period that the book covers. What politicians were in office at this time? What were public feelings about the juvenile justice system in the United States? How has the juvenile justice system changed from the time in which the book was written to today?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the contributing factors to juvenile delinquency. What studies have been conducted relating to childhood abuse, drug use and exposure, sexual abuse, poverty, and education in relation to juvenile crime? What have these studies overwhelmingly shown? How have the statistics changed in the past 20 years?

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