No Matter How Loud I Shout Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Edward Humes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

No Matter How Loud I Shout Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Edward Humes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what date did the Northridge earthquake (or LA Quake) occur?
(a) July 1, 1975.
(b) March 25, 1989.
(c) October 8, 1980.
(d) January 17, 1994.

2. Under what alias was Carla James living when she was found by police patrols in Part 1, Chapter 7?
(a) Sylvia Mercado.
(b) Michelle Williams.
(c) Geri Vance.
(d) Sarah Rogers.

3. Where did John Sloan’s grandparents immigrate to America from?
(a) India.
(b) Korea.
(c) China.
(d) Japan.

4. George Trevino is described by the author as a foster kid or what, in Part 1, Chapter 6?
(a) A “500 kid.”
(b) A “300 kid.”
(c) A “100 kid.”
(d) A “200 kid.”

5. What judge is described by the author in Part 1, Chapter 2 as having seen “potential” in Carla James, and thus gave her a lesser sentence for theft and assault?
(a) Judge Stegall.
(b) Judge Dorn.
(c) Judge Polinsky.
(d) Judge Sloan.

6. What does the narrator in “Intake” describe as “both status symbols and necessary tools of the trade in this information age”?
(a) GPS units.
(b) Beepers.
(c) Cell phones.
(d) Laptops.

7. What term is used in the book for criminal offenses that apply to juveniles but not to adults?
(a) Petty offenses.
(b) Child offenses.
(c) Status offenses.
(d) Minor offenses.

8. What does HRO stand for in the narrative?
(a) Humane Response Officer.
(b) Honored Response Officer.
(c) High Risk Offender.
(d) Hostile Risk Operation.

9. According to the author in Part 1, Chapter 3, due to the protections of the Juvenile court, Ronald Duncan would be released by what age?
(a) 25.
(b) 30.
(c) 18.
(d) 21.

10. Judge Dorn gave a public presentation where he suggested bringing back what in Part 1, Chapter 7?
(a) Status offenses.
(b) Labor camps.
(c) Chain gangs.
(d) The death penalty.

11. The billboard overlooking the street to the Central lockup facility is described by the narrator in “Intake” as showcasing a man wearing what?
(a) Handcuffs.
(b) A leather jacket.
(c) A crown.
(d) Headphones.

12. What word did Luis Santos use to mean “busted” in Part 1, Chapter 5?
(a) Caliente.
(b) Calypso.
(c) Tugenado.
(d) Torcido.

13. What Section of the California Penal Code defines premeditated murder?
(a) Section 112.
(b) Section 187.
(c) Section 45.
(d) Section 242.

14. According to the narrator in “Intake,” the Central lockup facility was “ancient by Los Angeles standards,” meaning that it had been standing since before what?
(a) WWI.
(b) The Vietnam War.
(c) The Spanish American War.
(d) WWII.

15. What was the name of the boy that testified that Ronald Duncan confessed to the crime in Part 1, Chapter 8?
(a) Marvin.
(b) Paul.
(c) Peter.
(d) Malcolm.

Short Answer Questions

1. What title did Peggy Beckstrand hold in 1994, according to the narrative in Part 1, Chapter 1?

2. What was John Sloan’s father’s profession?

3. What famously televised court case were the students in the writing class watching in Part 1, Chapter 3?

4. How old was the schoolgirl that was caught with gang tattoos and distributing fliers for a party in Part 1, Chapter 1?

5. Who was the attorney representing Ronald Duncan in Part 1, Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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