No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Medium

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No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What worries does Obi have about the expectations of the people at home as he makes his journey home?
(a) They will want to meet his bride-to-be.
(b) They will want to interfere in his business.
(c) They will want to give him all sorts of embarrassing gifts.
(d) They will want to share in his good fortune.

2. How does the author use the conversation between Obi and Marie Tomlinson to broaden the portrayal of Mr. Green's character?
(a) He writes that Miss Tomlinson finds a devout Christian and Obi believes Green has admirable qualities.
(b) He writes that Obi considers Green an oppressor and Miss Tomlinson admires Green's discipline.
(c) He writes that Tomlinson considers him a hypocrite and Obi believes that Green hates Africa.
(d) He writes that both Miss Tomlinson and Obi find Mr. Green a good advisor.

3. How does Obi finally get caught for his involvement in bribery?
(a) A visitor returns with a stranger who finds Obi with marked bills after paying Obi money.
(b) Mr. Omo sees Obi accepting money from a scholarship applicant at the club.
(c) Mr. Green has a spy follow Obi home and sees him accepting money.
(d) An undercover policeman pays him a bribe with marked bills.

4. Where do Clara and Obi go with Christopher and his new girlfriend, Bisi?
(a) They go dancing and to dinner at the Imperial.
(b) They go to dinner and a movie at the Imperial and then dancing.
(c) They go to the movie at the Imperial and then dancing.
(d) They go dancing at the Imperial.

5. How does Obi feel after he resists the temptation to accept Mr. Mark's bribe?
(a) He feels wonderful because Clara sends a note agreeing to marry him.
(b) He feels wonderful because Marie says he did so well in the interview.
(c) He feels wonderful because he resisted his first temptation to accept a bribe.
(d) He feels wonderful because he will get a good review.

Short Answer Questions

1. What feelings does Obi have when he sees his mother?

2. Where do Christopher and Obi go to play tennis with Nora and Pat?

3. What news from home necessitates Obi taking leave to visit his village?

4. What is Obi's response when Clara goes off with the doctor?

5. What is Obi's financial situation like as he is on his way home?

Short Essay Questions

1. What incident involving Mr. Mark at Obi's office foreshadows Obi's eventual involvement with bribes over scholarships?

2. Describe briefly the incidents that occur between Obi and Clara on the night before Obi leaves for his visit to his home.

3. How do the incidents at the Roman Catholic convent in demonstrate limitations on social relationships in Lagos?

4. After Clara and Obi quarrel about his failure to ask her for money to help his situation, how does Obi demonstrate his reliance on reading to find solace?

5. Why does the author place emphasis on describing Obi's deteriorating financial situation after the incidents with Mr. Mark and Elsie, his sister?

6. What mixed feelings does Obi have about resisting the temptation to accept Mr. Mark's bribe?

7. When Obi goes to Clara's after his visit home, how does the relationship between them take a turn for the worse?

8. What makes Obi decide to apply for local leave and visit his home?

9. As Obi and Marie Tomlinson become more cordial to each other, how does the author use these two characters to vary the portrayal of Mr. Green?

10. What are the examples evident of the author's use of humor When Christopher and Obi take Clara and Bisi dancing at the Imperial?

(see the answer keys)

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