No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Medium

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No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the relationship between Obi and Marie Tomlinson develop after she witnesses Obi's distress about his finances?
(a) Obi and Marie Tomlinson are on a first-name basis and speak frankly about many things, including Mr. Green.
(b) They have become distant and speak only about work.
(c) They have not recovered from the heated argument about Obi's unpaid debt.
(d) They have become intimate and share many activities.

2. How does Obi respond to the assertions of Mr. Green and Miss Tomlinson about leave entitlements available to Africans?
(a) Obi says it is their country so they should have the same privileges as the British.
(b) Obi says they know nothing about Nigerians.
(c) Obi says that the Europeans set the rules when no Nigerians were in the senior service.
(d) Obi says Nigerians will show the Europeans what they are capable of.

3. When Obi returns to work, what comments by Mr. Green continue to reflect his disrespect for Nigerians?
(a) Mr. Green gives a lecture about abuse of local leave by Africans.
(b) Mr. Green threatens to reduce Obi's entitlement.
(c) Mr. Green complains about Africans being lazy.
(d) Mr. Green says local leave was never meant for lazy Africans.

4. How does Marie Tomlinson respond when she sees Obi's distress about his financial situation?
(a) She blames him for living above his means.
(b) She says all the educated Nigerians are the same; they have no financial discipline.
(c) She offers to lend him money.
(d) She commiserates with him about the high costs in Nigeria.

5. What is Christopher's response to hearing that Obi turned down advances from Elsie Mark?
(a) Christopher calls him "the biggest ass in Nigeria" for missing such an oppportunity.
(b) Christopher calls him "the biggest ass in Nigeria" for being faithful to Clara.
(c) Christopher calls him "the biggest ass in Nigeria" because he has left the girl thinking him impotent.
(d) Christopher calls him "the biggest ass in Nigeria" for trying to change the world.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Christopher deal with Obi's feelings about his mother's threat of suicide?

2. Where does Obi try to get money from to pay back Clara's loan?

3. How does Obi feel after he resists the temptation to accept Mr. Mark's bribe?

4. What happens to Clara after her hospitalization?

5. What is Obi's first impression of Marie Tomlinson, his co-worker at the office?

Short Essay Questions

1. After Clara and Obi quarrel about his failure to ask her for money to help his situation, how does Obi demonstrate his reliance on reading to find solace?

2. What changes about Obi's thoughts when Obi approaches Mr. Omo about a salary advance and learns that his financial situation is even worse than he imagines?

3. What cynical comment does the author make concerning Obi's feelings about Elsie Mark's determination to get a scholarship when Elsie Mark visits Obi?

4. Why does the author place emphasis on describing Obi's deteriorating financial situation after the incidents with Mr. Mark and Elsie, his sister?

5. When Obi leaves Clara to go off with the doctor who is going to perform the abortion, how does the author reveal the extent of Obi's distress?

6. How does the second doctor that Clara and Obi visit differ from the first?

7. After Obi returns from his visit home, how does Christopher react to Obi's news about the response of his parents to his plan to marry Clara?

8. How do the incidents at the Roman Catholic convent in demonstrate limitations on social relationships in Lagos?

9. What are the examples evident of the author's use of humor When Christopher and Obi take Clara and Bisi dancing at the Imperial?

10. When Obi goes to Clara's after his visit home, how does the relationship between them take a turn for the worse?

(see the answer keys)

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