No Longer at Ease Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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No Longer at Ease Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What surprises Obi and Joseph about the restaurant?
(a) It does not sell any African food.
(b) It is almost empty on a Saturday evening.
(c) It is completely European in style and food.
(d) It is owned by an old Englishwoman.

2. What is Obi warned about at his farewell prayer meeting?
(a) He is to study hard and go often to church.
(b) He is to study hard and not chase white women.
(c) He is to go to church and stay out of trouble.
(d) He is to "learn book," fear the Lord and not fall into the temptations of other young Africans.

3. What reason does Clara give for going to Obi's cabin?
(a) To warn him that she is not interested in a relationship.
(b) To ask him about the dance where he said they met.
(c) To distribute seasickness tablets.
(d) To talk about the future.

4. What moves Obi even though he has little religion left while on the boat looking out to sea?
(a) He recalls, "They that go down to the sea in ships."
(b) He recalls, "I see my God in the sea and the sky."
(c) He recalls, "And into sea He stepped with is disciples."
(d) He recalls, "I must go down to the sea again."

5. Where do Obi and Clara meet again eighteen months after their first meeting?
(a) On the SS Lagos.
(b) On the SS Liverpool.
(c) On the MV Vasa.
(d) On the MV Nigeria.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Joseph respond when Obi tells him of Clara's refusal to marry him because she is osu?

2. What two big mistakes does Obi make at the big reception that the UPU holds for Obi on Saturday?

3. What happens to Obi when he meets Clara for the first time?

4. As the celebration continues, how does the author use an argument about kola nuts to reveal the clash between Christian beliefs and folklore?

5. What is Christopher's usual response to Obi's comments about the civil service?

Short Essay Questions

1. What references to bribery show that the members are very familiar with corruption in Nigeria At the reception held to welcome Obi home?

2. When Joseph reacts to hearing that Clara is an osu, how does Obi demonstrate his strong feelings about the matter?

3. What causes Obi to storm out of the December UPU meeting in a rage?

4. What are the main events involving Obi at the December meeting of the UPU attended by Joseph and Obi?

5. What does Obi encounter that reminds him about the prevalence of bribery when going home for a short visit while waiting for the result of his interview?

6. What two mistakes does Obi make when Obi attends reception held in Lagos by the Umuofian Progressive Union to welcome him home?

7. What event foreshadows Obi's experiences with bribery when the boat bringing Clara and Obi back from England docks at Lagos?

8. What makes Obi especially interested in a new arrival at the Pine Grove while he and Joseph are there?

9. Why does Obi feel tears in his eyes at the judge's lecture even though he is prepared for the sentence at the beginning of the novel?

10. What internal conflict does Obi experience while he is on his first visit with his father at home?

(see the answer keys)

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