No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Easy

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No Longer at Ease Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What reason does Clara give for making her suggestion about their engagement?
(a) That Obi will not return from his visit home.
(b) That Obi will hate her for breaking off the engagement.
(c) That she will ruin Obi's life by coming between him and his family.
(d) That Obi's parents will disinherit him.

2. When Obi finally reaches Clara's house, how does he relate the outcomes of his visit home?
(a) He makes light of it, saying all will be well if they remain quiet for a while.
(b) He tells her they have to call off the marriage but he will be with her anyway.
(c) He says they will have to wait until things settle down.
(d) He suggests they go back to England and marry.

3. What character traits does Christopher display in the incident when he and Obi discuss the possibility of Clara's pregnancy?
(a) He is a callous and greedy young man.
(b) He is a pragmatic young man who understands the ways of his world.
(c) He is sympathetic and caring.
(d) He is an idealistic and simple young man.

4. What does the incident with Clara's abortion reveal about this aspect of life in Lagos?
(a) Abortions are illegal and expensive.
(b) Abortions are inexpensive but dangerous.
(c) Everyone looks down on a girl who has an abortion.
(d) Abortions are safe but expensive.

5. How does the author use the conversation between Obi and Marie Tomlinson to broaden the portrayal of Mr. Green's character?
(a) He writes that Miss Tomlinson finds a devout Christian and Obi believes Green has admirable qualities.
(b) He writes that Obi considers Green an oppressor and Miss Tomlinson admires Green's discipline.
(c) He writes that Tomlinson considers him a hypocrite and Obi believes that Green hates Africa.
(d) He writes that both Miss Tomlinson and Obi find Mr. Green a good advisor.

6. How does Obi's distraction about the situation with his family affect his journey back to Lagos?
(a) He decides to drive carefully so he can plan what to do.
(b) He drives recklessly because of his anger.
(c) He drives quickly because he is anxious to get back to Clara.
(d) He drives in a daze and almost has a head-on collision.

7. On what assumption does Mr. Green find it necessary to warn Obi about paying his car insurance?
(a) He knows Obi is careless with details.
(b) The educated rarely think about tomorrow.
(c) He believes Obi will do a back door deal if Mr. Green does not watch carefully.
(d) He believes Obi is irresponsible.

8. When Obi goes to visit Clara in hospital, what comments by the doctor foreshadow what will happen between Clara and Obi?
(a) The doctor says there is not much hope for Clara.
(b) The doctor says Clara is too angry to speak to Obi.
(c) The doctor says Clara has given up on Obi.
(d) The doctor says Clara might not want to see Obi.

9. What foreshadows trouble for Obi when evening prayers are said on the first day of his visit home?
(a) The prayers contain references to evil women and Obi believes they are cursing Clara.
(b) The prayers are filled with references to the devil and Obi believes something has happened to his sister.
(c) Obi believes references to the devil in the prayers are intended for Clara.
(d) The prayers are filled with references to the devil and Obi suspects his mother is dying.

10. What are Obi's early responses to the death of his mother?
(a) He cries like a child and feels guilty about not keeping vigil for his mother.
(b) He believes maybe now he can marry Clara.
(c) He is too overcome by all his troubles to feel anything for his mother.
(d) He is relieved although it is too late to save the situation with Clara.

11. What is Christopher's view about bribery?
(a) He says taking willing Elsie to bed after her interview does not qualify as bribery.
(b) He says white members of the committee would have accepted Miss Mark's offer.
(c) He says everybody is influenced by something.
(d) He says only acceptance of money constitutes bribery.

12. Why doesn't Obi mind when a long, noisy procession of the "Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim and Seraphim" delays his journey to Clara's house?
(a) He knows she is working late and he will have time to think.
(b) He has decided to break off the engagement.
(c) He is in a panic because he does not know what to tell Clara.
(d) It gives him the chance to change his mind and go home instead.

13. What does the process lead Obi to decide when he examines the "mainspring of his actions" for the first time in his life?
(a) He decides to confess his troubles to Clara's father and ask for help.
(b) He resolves to stop making payments to the UPU until it is convenient.
(c) He decides to confess his troubles to Mr. Green and ask for help.
(d) He decides to confess his troubles to his father and ask for help.

14. How does the argument between Obi and Clara end on the night before he goes home?
(a) They part without any resolution.
(b) They terminate the relationship.
(c) They kiss passionately and make up.
(d) They end up in a physical fight.

15. How bad is the situation when Obi's insurance bill actually arrives?
(a) The insurance has to be paid much sooner than Obi expected.
(b) The insurance costs £60 and Obi has £15 in the bank.
(c) The insurance costs twice what Obi expected.
(d) The insurance costs £42 and Obi has £13 in the bank.

Short Answer Questions

1. What brings Obi additional criticism when his mother dies?

2. What news from home necessitates Obi taking leave to visit his village?

3. What worries does Obi have about the expectations of the people at home as he makes his journey home?

4. How does the author suggest that there is more than tennis to the relationship that Obi and Christoper have with Nora and Pat?

5. What does Obi turn to for solace when at home in his distress after refusing dinner?

(see the answer keys)

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