No Longer at Ease Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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No Longer at Ease Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Obi and Joseph plan to make a special entrance that will show off Obi's new car at the December meeting of the UPU?
(a) He arranges for the welcoming committee to meet them in the parking lot.
(b) He arranges for them to park in a special spot where everyone will see their arrival.
(c) He arranges for the car to be decorated in a special way.
(d) He arranges for them to arrive late.

2. Why is the courtroom packed with spectators at Obi Okonkwo's trial?
(a) Because he is a member of prominent political party.
(b) Because he has taken so many bribes.
(c) Because of Obi's prominence as a young scholar educated at the expense of many poor Africans.
(d) Because he has such a prominent position in the civil service.

3. Which two people arrive as Obi and Joseph sit in the lounge at the restaurant in Chapter 4?
(a) Sara arrives with Sam Okoli.
(b) Sam Okoli and Marie Atkinson.
(c) Sam and Christopher.
(d) Sara's best friend arrives with Sam Okoli.

4. What are the villagers particularly happy about?
(a) That Obi has not brought home a white wife.
(b) That Obi will live where those who get "European jobs" live.
(c) That Obi has not forgotten his roots.
(d) That Obi is about to get a good job.

5. How does Obi react when the commissioner asks him the offensive question?
(a) He bristles and considers the question useless.
(b) He remains silent until another question is asked.
(c) He insults the comissioner and leaves.
(d) He calmly explains why he would never accept bribes.

6. What happens to Obi when he meets Clara for the first time?
(a) He is interested but cannot pursue her because he already has a date.
(b) He overlooks her beauty and only realizes he is interested in her after she is gone.
(c) He is tongue-tied and steps on her feet while dancing.
(d) He is completely rebuffed by her.

7. What shocks Joseph about Obi while they are at the restaurant?
(a) He does not eat any meat.
(b) He eats with his fingers.
(c) He drinks a lot of wine.
(d) He demands traditional Nigerian food.

8. Where does Obi take Clara to celebrate his new car?
(a) They go to the beach.
(b) They go dancing at Okoro.
(c) They go to Okala for a special dinner.
(d) They go to Ikeja for a special dinner.

9. What causes Obi to storm out of the December UPU meeting in anger, intending not to return?
(a) The revelation that Obi has already been living above his means.
(b) The President's reference to rumors about Obi's plans to marry a girl of "doubtful ancestry."
(c) The comments of the elders about Obi's arrogance.
(d) The President's refusal to approve Obi's request for a grace period.

10. What two big mistakes does Obi make at the big reception that the UPU holds for Obi on Saturday?
(a) He dresses well but his speech is long and boring.
(b) He dresses casually and is heard speaking Ibo.
(c) He dresses casually and makes too simple a speech.
(d) He overdresses and talks too much.

11. How is the veteran civil servant characterized when Obi first meets him and the boss comes in demanding a specific file?
(a) He ignores the boss and reads a newspaper,
(b) He jumps to his feet, grovels, and rebukes the junior clerk.
(c) He is asleep at his desk and he refers to the necessity of rest at intervals during the work day.
(d) He ignores Obi and grovels at Mr. Green.

12. According to Obi, what is the best European novel written about West Africa?
(a) The Heart of the Matter.
(b) Things Fall Apart.
(c) My Heart is Still in Africa.
(d) The Lost Continent.

13. For which island is the boat heading when Jones recites, "Water, water everywhere; but not a drop to drink"?
(a) Lagos.
(b) Madeira.
(c) Accra.
(d) Cameroon.

14. What is the stance of the organization's leaders toward his involvement in bribery in the UPU's discussions about Obi's case?
(a) They are ashamed that their member could have brought such disgrace upon them.
(b) They see nothing wrong with bribery.
(c) They believe that Obi's lack of experience cause him to take the money personally rather than through his houseboy.
(d) They are embarrassed by the discovery that they are a party to his involvement.

15. Who chairs the prayer meeting that Obi's parents called before Obi goes to England?
(a) Reverend Samuel Ikedi.
(b) Reverend Sam Ocala.
(c) Reverend Umuofia.
(d) Reverand Joseph Isaacs.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where in Lagos does Joseph live?

2. Where has Clara been living since returning to Nigeria?

3. What moves Obi even though he has little religion left while on the boat looking out to sea?

4. What reason does Clara give for going to Obi's cabin?

5. What is Nigeria's real problem according to Obi in his remarks to Christopher?

(see the answer keys)

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