No Longer at Ease Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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No Longer at Ease Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 17-19.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What new evidence does Obi see about the pervasiveness of bribery in Nigeria on the way home on the wagon?
(a) The lorry driver bribes the police when they stop the vehicle for speeding.
(b) After being stopped by the police, a lorry driver drives until his mate runs back and pays more than it would have cost.
(c) The lorry driver bribes the police when they stop him for driving without a license.
(d) The lorry driver bribes the police when they stop the driver for over-crowding.

2. While Obi is home enjoying his interaction with his kinsmen, what thoughts does he have that indicate that he harbors resentment against the British?
(a) He tells the villagers he has deliberately resisted learning English ways while he studied in England.
(b) He compares the lively village culture with the staid, boring ways of the English.
(c) He wishes the English could see the Nigerian culture and appreciate the customs.
(d) He wishes the English could hear people engaged in Ibo conversation, enjoying life.

3. What is Christopher's view about bribery?
(a) He says only acceptance of money constitutes bribery.
(b) He says taking willing Elsie to bed after her interview does not qualify as bribery.
(c) He says white members of the committee would have accepted Miss Mark's offer.
(d) He says everybody is influenced by something.

4. Where has Clara been living since returning to Nigeria?
(a) At Omuefia.
(b) At Yaba with her sister.
(c) At Osu.
(d) At Yaba with her mother.

5. Although Clara is businesslike when she visits Obi's cabin, what gives him hope that she is interested?
(a) She says she is not seeing anyone.
(b) She says in Ibo that they belong together.
(c) She tells him she likes him a little.
(d) She says he is handsome.

Short Answer Questions

1. What descriptive passage communicates the setting and culture in the Onitsha market?

2. What does Obi do while awaiting the results of his interview?

3. How does Obi finally get caught for his involvement in bribery?

4. What references are made to suggest that the UPU leaders are very aware of the prevalence of bribery in government circles?

5. How bad is the situation when Obi's insurance bill actually arrives?

(see the answer key)

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