No Longer at Ease Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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No Longer at Ease Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 15-16.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Joseph Okeke take Obi after the reception?
(a) The Tennis Club restaurant.
(b) The Port Royal restaurant.
(c) The Palm Grove restaurant.
(d) The Sand Castle restaurant.

2. What does Obi consider doing in order to meet his mounting debts after speaking with Charles Ibe?
(a) Obi contemplates withholding payments from the UPU.
(b) Obi considers asking Mr. Omo for a salary advance.
(c) Obi considers asking Mr. Green for a loan.
(d) Obi contemplates an overdraft of £50 at his bank.

3. According to the author's comments, why are some people's faces sullen as they wait to greet travelers returning?
(a) A returning son has divorced his wife.
(b) A returning son has married a white woman.
(c) A returning daughter has married a white man.
(d) A returning son has not completed his studies.

4. How does Obi try to help with the family's situation?
(a) He promises to send money each month to help his parents and to pay his brother's school fees.
(b) He promises to send monthly sums to pay Charity's fees.
(c) He promises to send a lump sum each month to cover their big expenses.
(d) He promises to send money for food and medicine.

5. What reason does Clara give for going to Obi's cabin?
(a) To talk about the future.
(b) To warn him that she is not interested in a relationship.
(c) To distribute seasickness tablets.
(d) To ask him about the dance where he said they met.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Obi react to a song that the traders are singing while continuing his journey home on the wagon?

2. After Clara and Obi discuss the situation concerning the response of his parents to their engagement, what comments of Clara foreshadow further trouble?

3. How do the circumstances surrounding Clara's hospitalization contribute to Obi's eventual downfall?

4. What old nickname of Obi's is revealed while Obi and Joseph are recalling old times?

5. Which girl does Christopher consider marrying except for the fact that she is going away to study?

(see the answer key)

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