No Longer at Ease Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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No Longer at Ease Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 217 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 7-8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Obi hope to receive support from his mother for his plan to marry Clara?
(a) They have a special bond because he is her only son.
(b) They have a special bond because she was the one who told him old African stories.
(c) They have a special bond because he is the last child.
(d) They have a special bond since she cut her hand on a razor in his pocket.

2. Which two people arrive as Obi and Joseph sit in the lounge at the restaurant in Chapter 4?
(a) Sam and Christopher.
(b) Sara arrives with Sam Okoli.
(c) Sam Okoli and Marie Atkinson.
(d) Sara's best friend arrives with Sam Okoli.

3. What makes Obi go to a slum in Lagos when he returns from England?
(a) To visit his friend Christopher.
(b) For a job interview.
(c) To see his uncle Okolo.
(d) His girlfriend, Clara, has a dressmaker there.

4. Where do Obi and Clara meet again eighteen months after their first meeting?
(a) On the SS Liverpool.
(b) On the SS Lagos.
(c) On the MV Vasa.
(d) On the MV Nigeria.

5. What is Obi told about the many dead dogs in the street when he visits the slum in Lagos?
(a) There is no government agency to move them.
(b) They are injured by bad drivers who do not pick them up.
(c) It is good luck to kill a dog with one's new car but bad luck to kill a duck.
(d) They are part of the "Old Nigeria" that Obi has forgotten.

Short Answer Questions

1. What negative comments does Mr. Green make about Africans after his tennis match on the morning of the trial?

2. Who is Obi's new boss?

3. Where does Obi take Clara to celebrate his new car?

4. What offensive question does the commissioner who has been sleeping in the interview ask Obi when he wakes up?

5. What moves Obi even though he has little religion left while on the boat looking out to sea?

(see the answer key)

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